Friday, February 21, 2020

A new project and the link!

These blocks are from blockheads 3.  I started them in plaids...and here is the link!  All the patterns are free!!

I hope you will join in!!


Monday, February 17, 2020

A bargain I could not resist!

Ok, well dear husband took me to the quilt shop!!!  OH man...they had an amazing sale!  Some of these were two dollar bundles...some four, some more.  It was so much fun!!!


Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday! Dear Jane update!

Good Morning!  Or afternoon...whichever it is.  I am OFF work today, so I don't have to care, LOL!  Above are the latest blocks from my friend, Ann!  She is also working on her Dear Jane quilt.  Aren't they pretty?  I love them!  

I have my block cut out, but not stitched yet.

Here is what Ann wrote to me:  

"Here are the most recent blocks for my resumed Dear Jane Journey .  As you may recall, I'm making them from the bottom row up.  These are from Row L.  The red one was challenging to make.  I originally tried to paper piece it, but the individual pieces (1/4" squares) were so fussy that on my next try I decided to draw pencil lines for stitching each piece - which went better. Your comment in  a previous post indicating that Jane must have pieced hers by hand is no doubt true.  I read that she was an invalid at the time she was making her quilt, so hand piecing may have been easier for her.  I wonder if she also used a pencil to mark her lines.  Given her geometric skills, she may have had that perfect eye, the same way that a few people are gifted with perfect pitch in singing.   Sometimes I wish I had elected to hand piece mine;  hand piecing is very pleasant, and this is NOT a race, right?  Don't want to switch horses (or methods) mid-stream, so will continue with my trusty old Bernina.  Annie"

I have very much enjoyed getting to know Annie, via this blog.
Attachments area
 I am linking to Kathy, for slow stitching Sunday.  I finished the hand stitching on the binding, for this quilt.  I think the blocks are from the first Blockhead quilt along.  I did not make them all, and added some of my own.

Please see Kathy's post here, and link up to share your slow stitching!

 I used purple for the back.  It is kind of a heavy, canvas feeling material.  It gives the quilt weight for sure!
 This is the perfect size for a hospital bed, so that is where this quilt will go.  We have lots of cancer patients come in for lung surgeries, and they just cannot seem to keep warm.
 This is my second set of blocks to swap with my local group.  I accidentally made a lot more centers than I needed, so...they are added to the block pile.  I am thinking about those blocks in my bin, gifted treasures and some of my own, to make quilts.  Great fun!
 I am still working on the latest Quiltville are some more of these little blocks.
And last but not least!  I made a banana bread today, and it was not rising, so....I had forgotten the baking powder!  So about twenty minutes into baking, I I took it out of the oven, mixed in the baking powder, said a short little prayer and popped it back into the oven.  It turned out OK, but the baking dish is a bit messy, LOL!!!

ON we go!!


Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!!

 I made this quilt and another one very much like it, long ago.  I took it out for today, Valentine's Day.  It smelled a bit musty, so I washed it and dried it...and it is fresh as a daisy!  I made a big mistake in the rows, but I like it anyway.
And I received some beautiful roses to celebrate the day!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I just love strings and scraps!

 I have been whirling away on these little blocks.  I must confess, leaders and enders, as suggested by Bonnie (cakes) Hunter; ( my pet name for Bonnie!), often take center stage and I am off to the races, instead of using them as true leaders and enders.
 I made some more of these blocks, for "Garden Party."
 I started these blocks, out of patriotic/plaid fabrics.  SQUIRREL!!!  Giggle!
 And!  And exciting piece of mail came today!  I received this quilt book, which I just love...but!
I also received this quilt from the author of the book, Diane Knott!!!  I kind of wheeled and dealed for this quilt...she was giving it to charity, along with a few more of her fun quilts, and I asked if I could purchase it instead, because I loved it, and she could put the money toward charity quilts!!  She graciously said yes!! I just love, love, love this quilt.

Diane has a wonderful website, HERE:

Diane's book is very well written, vibrant and fun.  And her quilts are made from strips!  I love every single project in her if you want one, just click on her website.

Have a quilting sort of day,


Monday, February 10, 2020

Dear Jane update 02-09-2020

 Hi everyone.  I completed my dear Jane block for today.  I did not even attempt to add the tiny one inch star in the middle of the block.  Here is my third attempt, and I am keeping it!  I think Jane pieced all of her blocks by hand; she must have.
I am just not a great paper piecer.  But at least it is done and sewn into the proper row.

Hope you having a lovely piecing/quilting day!


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Getting colder...

 I got this quilt out of the quilt closet.  This quilt got put in the cupboard for a bad border!  Bad, bad....but I love the blocks!  It was a block of the month, I think over the summer.
 Tiny three inch wool blocks, appliqued, alternating with nine patches.
 It was very fun to make them!  I remember fusing them all down on one long business trip, in my off hours.
 I made and appliqued down a lot more circles for this is shaping up!!!
 I made more of these blocks...they are fun, too.
And I found an old picture of a little 17  year old girl, graduating from high school.  She made her own graduation suit, of grey wool, lined with silk.  That little girl is me...

Have a great day!


Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday musing and sewing!

 It is almost Valentine's Day.  This is my dining room table, with my little heart I recently made, a pillow I embroidered years ago, and a little floral pillow, that I have no recollection of making, but I must have, for here it is.   Lyn gave me the wonderful table runner underneath...I love it!
 I did complete my three mug rugs for February, and they are in the mail to my sisters.
 I made a few more of these blocks, which I entirely adore making!!!
 And these too...just like chips, they are hard to make just one (or eat, as with the chips, eating just one)!
 A lady at the quilt guild tossed these tiny plaid pieces on the "free" table.  I loved them immediately, and wow!  There are a ton of pieces cut like this.  I made a little Dresden plate out of a few, and this unknown quilter had already sewn a string together, maybe for a border?
I love them!!  A zillion at least!!

Hugs to all,


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...