Monday, October 31, 2016

Log Cabin Lunacy continues!!

I was just kind of thinkin'!!! (watch out...she is thinking again!) What if I used my blue scraps, and made a quilt like this one, below?  I featured it on Log Cabin Loonies earlier, and it is just I figured out all the strip sizes to make the block.  
 shared on MyQuiltPlace by Lynn Welton Zimmerman, and we thank her so much for sharing this with all of us...gorgeous quilt!!

Just thought I would share the measurements with you, for this block, since it a generic log cabin block.  I start by cutting a bunch of strips...these happen to be blues; 2 inch...and neutrals; 1 1/4 inch.  (half of a 2 1/2 inch strip, if you have a bunch of those you want to use up)  You could go scrappy, or one color way, or batiks...whatever makes your heart go pitty-pat!!


middle square. 2 x 2 inches

1st strip:  1/1/4 x 2 inch neutral

2nd strip:  1/1/4 x 2 3/4 inch neutral

3rd strip:  2 x 2 3/4 inch blue

4th strip:  2 x 4 1/4 inch blue

5th strip:  1 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch neutral

6th strip:  1 1/4 x 5 inch neutral

7th strip:  2 x 5 inch blue

8th strip:  2 x 6 1/2 inch blue

9th strip: 1 1/4 x 6 1/2 inch neutral

10th strip: 1/1/4 x 7 1/4 inch neutral

11th strip:  2 x 7 1/4 inch blue

12th strip:  2 inch by 8 3/4 inch blue

This yields a 8  3/4 inch block, finishing at 8 1/4.  I plan to make 80 blocks, and have cut for that....

1/4 inch seam allowance is important, and I always make a test block first, just to make sure those measurements are really correct, LOL!!

Have a great day!


Friday, October 28, 2016

Splendid sampler progress

 I have made the decision to put my Splendid Sampler blocks together with triple sashing and nine patches.  I have completed several quilts this way, and love the effect.

These blocks mean a lot to me.  At the time I started this batch (yes, I had a couple of false starts, including some blocks that are just plain missing!), there were multiple attacks against the US...terrorist stuff.  I decided to make my quilt out of red, white and blue, standing for the United States.    Additionally, and this is more personal yet...I was called in one day to help in the operating room, to help with an emergency bypass surgery, at my work.  This surgery saved this man's life.  I was wearing a dark blue scrub jacket, that got caught on the C-arm x-ray in the operating room and tore beyond repair.  So?  I cut it up, and that is the dark blue in my sashing.  This quilt means a lot to me for another dear friend Lyn is making it too, and it is a connection to her, over the miles and continents.
 So!!!  Here is where I am so far.  I may not make all of the blocks...and may substitute some other favorites...but here it is!!!
 Making pie per request today...before baking!
And a cherry one as well!!

Did you notice that Bonnie Hunter announced the colors in her Mystery quilt?  Please see her post here!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Just a little forward progress!

 I have been slowly making a star or two, as the fancy strikes me  These are mostly from plaids, but have some batiks and also reproduction fabrics in there, as well.
 Closer view...These are inspired from a quilt from Karen's blog, the Log Cabin Quilter.  Thank you, Karen, for letting me make a quilt like yours!!!
It takes a wonderful true friend to make blocks for you, for your Splendid Sampler!!  My friend Lyn not only made these blocks, but copied others for paper piecing for me, on her special paper.  Thank you so much, dear Lyn!  I so appreciate you!!!

So...I was just working and working and working at the full moon time, and forgot all about posting for Log Cabin Loonies!!  Maybe we could, instead, start something new.  A fun quilt, a few blocks at a time?  Would there be any interest??? I will show what I have in mind soon, and you can join in at will!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Friday, October 21, 2016

The Secret...

 You may remember this quilt made of scrap/crumb 1/2 square triangles and silly flowers, which I love.   As usual, I got stuck on the borders, and into the quilt abyss it went!  (the quilt closet)
 It is time to finish up all these border-less quilts!!  So...I made a border of strings and away I went!!
 Black print squares in the corners...
 and black borders around the flowers, so that kind of goes together.
 Here is the whole thing!  I like the light strings in the borders...they kind of sparkle!
The quilt grew feet!!!  Hee!!!

By the way?  The secret to life????  ready??

Is string borders!!  I have never made one that I don't like, and plan to finish several of the remaining quilt tops this way!  And will use up my remaining strings, so win/win!

So...aren't you glad you know the secret to life???


Have a great day!


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Splendid sampler progress!

 The time of reckoning!  I am just really trying to pare down all these projects in progress! Above are my Splendid Sampler blocks. The more I have them out, the better I like them.
I think my favorite block may be this embroidery heart.  It took about as long as all the other blocks combined, LOL!  I am just doing the blocks I love the very the paper piecing ones are at the bottom of the stack...'cause I am just not very good at that!

I hope each of you is having a marvelous day!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thank friends are the best!!

 Jeni is having a quilt along again, and I am caught up!  That is the result of having two days off in a row, LOL!!

Please see her group here: is a free quilt along, which is always so nice!!

Thank you so very much, everyone, that gave suggestions and comments about this quilt (borders!)  Rosie the poodle is thinking about it, and she will let me know what she thinks later...

Have a super day, each of you!!


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Plaids and Plains flying geese: decision time!

 OK, OK!  That is enough flying geese to make a fair sized quilt.  So...what now??
 I had these little stars already made, and just put them up there to see if I liked them.  I think that I need bigger stars, so it will all go together nicely...48 six inch stars!! If I go that route...
 Some red triangles?  Nope...but I will find a place for these, someday, in some quilt!
And here is that empty space.  I am thinking of some applique, but what?  Birds? Geese?  A flowering vine??

Maybe just a plain border????  I am liking the contrast between the many plaids and the plains...that part is fun!!

Any thoughts, dear friends???  Here is my continual sticking point. THE BORDERS!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!

Julie K

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Circular thinking

 I have been working on my circles applique project.  It is hard for me to concentrate effort on one project every day without fail, (one a day), so I prep a bunch and stitch them in the car, on road trips.  Whatever works, right??  Here is where I am...mostly reds and blues, and now a few purples and pinks are creeping in.  These are a little bit addicting!!  I am going through the bins, colorwise, and picking fabrics for circles!
 Finished the hand quilting and binding on this little runner.
 And a gift from a niece!  These are panels that someone stitched around...
They are so fun and so appreciated!!

Have a great day, everyone!!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...