Tuesday, July 26, 2016

ONWARD!! Plains and Plaids!!

 I have been sewing on these blocks this morning.  I am enjoying how the plains (solid bright fabrics), make the plaids sort of sparkle more!!  I need to cut more, having sewing all I have cut out for now.  Each block only has five seams, and all the points seem to be coming together well, and kind of mindless...I like it, LOL!
 And another plaid block...just playing with ideas, here!!
With all the plaid trimmings, I made a hot-pad...I like the round shape!  I found out the bias strips are the only solution to make the binding lay flat, the piece being round and not square.  Just right to sit a hot pie on, or something yummy!!!

Nurse's Notes!!

I had the great pleasure of caring for a vet in our hospital...the VA just did not do anything for him, and in desperation, he and his wife came here.  A young kiddo to me, he has lived through experiences from several lifetimes worth of trauma in war.  Open heart surgery is no joke...and yet when he woke up?  Polite, "yes ma'am, no, ma'am, please and thank you"  I just loved him and all his family.  All in the Army, helicopter pilots, and paratroopers.  What a great honor and pleasure to care for him!!!

Have a great day, everyone!  Hug a vet!!!


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Musing about quilts...

 I guess I really like this pattern, from Bonnie Hunter!!  I first made the one with two inch inch strips, and a tiny one with 1.5 inch strips, then the largest, bed-sized quilt also!!!  I think that now, I would have added another small white border on the outside, next to the binding.  Who knows!  I may make another one!!!
 This one is my favorite...hand quilted, and made with tiny pieces.  I loved it..thank you, Miss Bonnie!

Making a little progress on these blocks...I love the ones with high contrast the best!!  I have a lot of plaids cut out, so watch out!  More plaid and plain quilts are in the works!!

Thank you, Log Cabin Loonies!!  Please, go and visit these talented ladies blogs...I am in love with their log cabin quilts!  (last post!)  Link up, too,  if you would like to show a log cabin quilt, or whatever you are working on, etc.  We love them all, all the quilts you have going on!

Have a super day!


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You know what day it is??? LOG CABIN LUNATICS! This is our day!!

 Well, I have lots of plaids...and lots of plains!  (what I call solids...)  Why not combine them into a fun quilt???  Here is what is on my mind!!  These are three inch finished half square triangles of muslin and plaid, then with an added solid flippy square.  I have a ton of these all cut out and ready to go!!!
OK, all you Log Cabin Loonies!!  Isn't this a fun, fun log cabin quilt?  This one was on Pinterest, and I found that it was made by Elaine, at the Messy Goat blog.  I found that I just love her work, and thank her for letting us all admire her quilt, above.  This one brings in lots of color, but also some negative space...I love it, and love her design!!

Please add your link below, anyone, of your past, present and future log cabin quilts!!   There are no rules here, just fun!!  I appreciate seeing everyone's links last month...it has been an absolutely crazy month for me, and I hope to have more time this month to put my log cabin quilt together.  Oh, who I am kidding...I have several sets of log cabin blocks, just waiting to be put together in a quilt, LOL!!!

Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!  Go and and gaze at the moon...it had a big circle around it yesterday, and was just so gorgeous...hopefully you can see it tonight, clouds not withstanding!!



Friday, July 15, 2016

Sampler and an UGLY quilt!

 I have made a few more blocks for Pat Sloan's Sampler quilt...http://blog.patsloan.com/the-splendid-sampler/  See all the blocks at her site!!
 A couple of little book marks are completed, machine quilted.
 And a few more circles are coming to life!!!
 There is a nursing story behind this pie from McDonald's...I had a very, very sick lady, who was really not supposed to make it...but she did!  I took care of her for five days straight, in the ICU...a beautiful Hispanic lady, just about my age,  who did not speak English.  I enjoyed putting my Spanish classes to good use!!  And her children and grandchildren helped me learn more Spanish, too. I loved her grandchildren, and hugged them and tied their shoes and generally just enjoyed them.  One of them brought me this pie, hot from the oven at McDonald's.  It was given to me with all the solemnity of a ceremony of high importance...and it means the world to me. That little six year old gave me his pie, bless him!! I love my patients, and I really loved seeing the patient who was not to live, walking around our unit with a walker, gaining her strength back, so she could go home.

A Save!!!
 Now for the ugly, ugly quilt.  I have no memory of making it, but there are my fabrics, right there!  What was I thinking?!!!  I will have to look back on the blog and see when I created this monster.  I found it hiding in the quilt closet...
I think I am going to take the blocks apart and put something else between them...geesh!  Can't imagine what I was doing....

Hugs to all!  Have a great day...I guess every quilt  can't be my favorite, or even a winner...Rosie my poodle doesn't like it either, LOL!


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Marcie Patch!! and Circles!!

 Marcie Patch!  Marcie has been my friend for many years, and now, she is selling all her patterns until they are gone...and not designing any more! I was so sad, but remembered that I had a quilt inspired by her pattern that I had enjoyed making, but was not completed.  It is all done, except for the binding!  Yahoo!!  Please see her website here:  http://patchalotpatterns.com/    Marcie, thank you for sharing your talent and quilts and encouragement with me for so many years...thank you!!
 A few circles!!  Sometimes, quilts just have to take their sweet time to come to fruition.  I, at last, am making progress on my circle quilt! I have many,many circles all cut and ready to stitch, while watching the news at night.  Hurrah!!

I have also been working on my Log Cabin Loonie blocks, and just loving that!!  How about you??  The full moon is coming up!!

This fellow has been perched close to my front door for about a week, eating his fill of bugs.  I like him, and he appears to be quite fearless of me.  Frog?  Toad?  I don't know...but he told me his name is Fernando the Frog.  Hee!!

Have a great day!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...