Sunday, August 30, 2015

Slow Stitching Sunday

 Hand quilting!  That is what I have been slow stitching on today.  Above is a little crumby quilt top that I had stashed in the closet. Over the last few days, I hand quilted in each little scrap.  It was fun!  And I am glad I just did not throw this one away, which was the immediate urge when I took it out of the closet.  I am thinking of a tiny vine applique around the edge.
 Another heart quilt...I must have made a metric ton of these.  I still have to clip threads on everything!  Just keeping it all real here.
 I hand appliqued all the circles down on this table runner...still more work to go on this one.
 I put a binding on this quilt!  I chose the blue, and added a flange.  The whole thing is by machine, and took some time, but I like it...'cause it is done!!
 Another pic...dear husband commandeered this quilt, and it is in use on the bed already!
 I made some Gorp (trail mix) for work...I always pick out the M and M's and eat them first!  Just a kid still, I think...
And more progress on the postage stamp.  It is a vendetta, now, to finish this up!!  LOL!!  Each square is one inch finished.  I used my rotary cutter, but I remember my grandmother's postage stamp quilt was made by cutting each piece out with dressmaker's shears, after tracing around the square with pencil, using a cut out square, cardboard template from a cereal box!!  I am down right spoiled!!

Have a great day, everyone!


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


 Tada!!  It is quilted!!  I still need to add circles, which I will...or not.  Dear husband did not like the circles, so I may leave them off.  But I like them...
But it is quilted!!!  And that is just so cool.  One of my big wishes in life is for a long arm quilter of my very own.  But for now??  I just have to wait!!!

Now, dear friends...what is your suggestion for a binding color???

Have a super Tuesday!


Monday, August 17, 2015

Turning Twenty Monday!!!

The Turning Twenty mystery quilt is shaping up!!!  It is great fun to make these blocks...Please see Tricia's sites here!!

See the Turning Twenty blog here!!!

See the Turning Twenty website here!!!!

See Tricia's face book page here!!!

Have a wonderful Monday!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Postage Stamp Progress

 Cleaning up projects!!  That is what I am trying to do.  This is a BIG job, though!!  8000 little strip piecing.  Just 8000 little squares, asking to be one big quilt!!
At one inch finished, this will be an 80x100 inch quilt.    This is about 25% done at this point, maybe a little more.  I am trying to be very accurate, and actually PINNING some!!  Whoda thunk it!!!  Hope each of you is doing wonderfully today!

Have a great day, everyone!!!


Monday, August 10, 2015


 Filling in the blanks here!!  This is Texas Tumbleweeds, a Bonnie Hunter pattern.  This represents all the batiks I own...a sampling of every single one. I have a few strips left of each one...but here it is, the whole kit and caboodle!!
A closer view.

Of course, I still need to sew blocks together and find a border...all in due time!!!

De cluttering!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Cosmetics down by at least half.  I do not need blue eye shadow from years ago, which I never wore anyway.

Shoes...down by half...that was harder, but with a deep breath, it is done!!  Donated the nice ones to a lady at work who wears a small size, like I do, tossed the oldies too.

Linen closet!!  Working on that too...sheets and towels are going too, for donation.  I cannot get rid of my mothers and grandmothers hand embroidered linens...sorry, those are staying!!!  I think one set of extra sheets is all I am keeping, and donating all the rest.  


Nurse's notes

I met the most darling man today!!  90 years old...a world war two gunner, who served on a destroyer in the Atlantic Ocean.  He described himself at 17 years old, in charge of a group...and feeling the heat of flak searing close to him and landing on deck.  And him running and humping it back into his gunner's nest!! A round thing, he described, kind of where he lived for a long time...serving our country.  He said the thing he wanted most is to get back home, way back then...and I am so glad he did.  He said he has been married  for over 60 years to an, "older woman," who is 96 years old.  Did not get to meet her yet!

Blue eyed and bright as a button...he says he talks too much, but I was honored to hear his story.  I ignored the phone for a while and just listened to him.  Loved meeting this gentleman!!!  This is what I love about  my job...getting to meet these darling golden oldies!



The binding blitz quilts were amazing, as always, this month!!!  By random number, the winner is Julie Letvin of Me and My Stitches, HERE!!

Thank you so very much, everyone, for entering!!!  I need to take a month off from Binding Blitz with your kind permission.  August is a killer for me at work!!!

ACLS, CPR, TNCC, Skills lab...all of these are really going to take a lot of my time...

So keep on binding, and save them for the September Binding Blitz!!!  An extra special gift is up for grabs!!


Have a great day,


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Texas Tumbleweeds!!

 My dear niece and I have decided to make a Texas Tumbleweed quilt...another Bonnie Hunter quilt.  I found it in the Quilt maker Magazine; here:   I also think it is in her latest book!!
  Here are all the blocks I have made so far.  This are made from the leftover white portion of a backing, and a piece of black treble clef print I had leftover.  I used all but one 2.5 inch strip of the black, and I used the wrong side of the fabric.  Just a hint of those treble clef motifs!!  I am using no new fabric...only stash.

De clutter and Cleaning of the Day!!!

I am working on decluttering, each and every day.  Today, I tossed a whole basket of hotel shampoos and lotions into the donation box.  It is silly for me to save all these...for years...and never use them.  The women's shelter has a need for off they go, at least the good ones, ready to use.!!  Also did the same for all my bathroom cabinets...use it...or it is out the door!!!

I feel lighter already...I am going to do a little each day.

Binding Blitz!!!!

Did you see how many Gorgeous quilts were finished in July!!!  Hurrah for you all!!!  AWESOME  WORK!!!

Have a great day, everyone, and happy sewing!!


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Turning Twenty Monday!!

 Turning Twenty, Block number three!!!  I love this one...I am making my quilt out of all scrappy red, white and blues.  Loving these patterns!!  Thank you, Tricia and all the ladies at Turning Twenty!!

A lot of times, I will make a little something out of little pieces of a current project.  This is what I made out of the same fabrics I used for the Turning Twenty block from this week.  It is 6 inches finished...just a mug rug...but a FINISH! That's my story, and I am stickin' to it!!

See the Turning Twenty blog here!!!

See the Turning Twenty website here!!!!

See Tricia's face book page here!!!

I am working on another Bonnie Hunter quilt...but also?  I am starting in on a house cleaning and purging adventure! At least that is what I am calling it...I want 1/2 of my possessions gone.  It will take a while, but I think I can do it...and I want the room to enjoy life and just have space!!  Wish me luck...I guess I am at that age, huh???

Have a great day, everyone!!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Binding Blitz!!!!

This is TOP know, I made a string X quilt before...this one!!   Haha, not really too big a secret, but I don't know if I have showed this before on the blog.   I added flippy corners to the blocks, and it made this design.  Hand quilted through every string!!
And a blue and red border...again!  The latest one in last post had blue and red too, just reversed position.


Please add your link below!!!  A random drawing will be held in five days for the winner of the fabric/quilt kit for July.  Can't wait to see your finishes...thank you so much for participating!!!



    An InLinkz Link-up

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Can I get a Whoop whoop!!!?

Well, well...I think I started sewing on this quilt on July 20th.  It is August 1st, friendlies...and the top is done!!  Yippee Skippie!!  This is a land-speed record for me...the fastest sewing I have EVER done to date!

 This was in response to Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville's blog posts, talking about her stash, and her determination to use it up!!  Me too dear Bonnie!!  Of all the things I had, the strings spoke to me the loudest, so I chose Bonnie's string X pattern (free on her website), to make a string quilt.
 So now...with the additional added circles?
Or without?  What is your opinion, oh great and learned quilters of yore!!!??

Thank you, everyone, for putting up with multiple pictures of this in last, it is in one piece!!!

Have a great day,


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...