He also got some cute, cute baby pumpkins so I could decorate our dining room table. I have had the Indian corn for many years, I still think it is so pretty.
I love Halloween for one thing...all the kiddos who come to the house for treats. I just love seeing the costumes and the precious little ones running around...fun!!
**************************Nursing Notes*************************************
The Gypsy princess:
I had a tiny little lady for my patient, last day I worked at the hospital, young, drop-dead gorgeous with hip length dark hair and lovely brown eyes. She reminded me so much of the beautiful gypsy girls I had read about as a girl. This little gypsy, however, was very sick, on the vent, when she came in her body temp. was 93.0 F. She had been down for a long time. Blood sugar 1200 (normal is 80-120). Diabetes run amok. She is getting better, but she just strikes me so...a darling gypsy in our midst. As she is on the vent, I braided all that lovely hair, so it won't be too big a mess for her when she wakes up. She will be all better soon...
Have a great day,