Saturday, July 26, 2008

Good Afternoon, everyone. Have you seen these cute blocks? They are from "Art from the Heart". Each one is a BEE-attitude...and they are themed around the months of the year. And they are darling!! I love the way the snowman is reaching out for a hug. I am working on them now, and the above block is the first one. It is hand-blanket stitched around each piece, on a pieced background. The snowflakes are embroidered with thread, and beads are attached. I learned NOT to put the beads or buttons on until I am done quilting! So I will not put any embelishment on with the other blocks, until the quilting is finished. The letters are plaid...and the fabric came from my dear husband's old pajama bottoms! Recycling, right?!! These were just the most fun to work with.

Remeber the hand-dying with vegetable dyes experiment? Well, this piece has been washed several times, and still is a pale pink...that was fun! When I have time, I am going to experiment with some other colors and methods...stay tuned!
My work at the hospital is challenging lately...I have the dearest little old lady, in for over a month now...the physician's did a bypass and heart valve replacement yesterday. She is 81 years young, and she made it through the surgery! I just pray she does well with her recovery. I just love my sweet patients, and worry about them so.
My DH and I are getting new bikes! We have the oldest, and least expensive of the Murray brand, and we are not able to run for exercise any more, per MD orders. So we are biking! and having a ball. I can't wait to get my new bike! Should be so much fun.
Please have a wonderful weekend and hug the ones you love tight!

Friday, July 18, 2008

It's Friday!

I made a bag! And I stippled it on my sewing machine. I am pretty jazzed about this, because I was able to do it without hardly any tucks at all...I like the finished product. And of course, learned a lot for the next time.

Here is the sampler quilt with it's border. Just a plain one...but it feels more finished to me. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed about what I should be working many lovely and awe-inspiring choices out there! So I am going to rework my list and come up with the next "top 5" that are priorities for me to finish.
Something neat happened last Dear husband and I were biking, just a little around the neighborhood for fun and exercise. . He had the fun idea to go over to the park and ride. We did not know that the city had made a lovely new bike trail, so had the pleasure of discovering it and biking down was 7 miles long!! So we went 14 miles on the bikes! And, yes, I am a bit sore today, but not too bad...yet!
Hope everyone has a most lovely, marvelously fun weekend. Back to work for me...nursing occurs, especially on the weekends.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wheww!!!!!!!!!!! Five 13 hours shifts in a row at the last a day off! I am so grateful for it, too.

The block above is one of twelve, and a friend at work, Misty, wants me to set them all together with gingham and quilt it..Cool! This princess themed baby quilt will be for her neice. The only thing is...the blocks are all different sizes and not square...I will have a cut them down a bit to make it all work. There are some darling blocks in the stack, and I will show you them all when they are pressed, cut to size and pieced together. Should be fun! Each baby in their family gets one of these quilts with different gingham.
Recognize this block? Amada Jean at Crazy Mom quilts has been posting the most wonderful quilt block patterns for her sampler...I have them all printed out and used some too! Her finished quilt will be wonderful. I tried to keep up, but ended up way behind with her sampler, so used some patterns and have them all ready for when I have time to do it. Thank you Amanda Jean!

OK, Paula the quilter...recognize this block? I just have been loving your block patterns for your sampler, and have used several of them. And of course, had to do it my way for a smaller quilt. Thank you so much for all the wonderful patterns! I have them all printed out in their own binder. This particular block is my favorite.

Here is the whole little sampler, just 8 inch blocks sashed with the black and white. I like it! Now for a border. This will be hand-quilted. Keep in mind, if you notice that the quilt is a bit rumpled with threads all over it, it must be your imagination... :)
On Friday, I watered the little garden and all was well. Today, on Monday, I went and checked out jalapeno plant was nothing but a stalk! Some little beastie ate it all...even the peppers! How is that for weird? Kind of unusual for any kind of bug to eat that plant, right?
OK, Have a marvelous day to everyone out there!!! I am off to clean, and clean...and then sew!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

dyeing fabrics...

Ok, here is a question for you expert fabric colorists out there: Can you use vegetable dyes to color fabrics? Here is the story. I made a dish with purple cabbage tonight for dinner, trying to increase the vegie intake. I was left with the most beautiful purple water. So, I stuck a scrap of fabric into it...the fabric turned a lovely lavender. I had read somewhere that vinegar would cause the dye to stay and not wash out, so dumped some vinegar into the pan. Wow! Bright pink now! PH, right? a PH difference? The fabric is in the dryer, then I will wash it to see if the "dye" stays. Any ideas? Or am I just nutty? :)

Have a most wonderful night!


Monday, July 7, 2008

I am spoiled :)

I am surely a spoiled lady...I received the most wonderful mug-mat from Finn, one of her special crocheted fabric creations! It is already being put to use, I love it. It is so dense and absorbent, just the thing for a cool drink or cuppa coffee.
AND...A hand-quilted quilt! It is in the place of honor, on the front of the roll-top desk. This beautiful quilt is hand-quilted in the tiniest of even, fine stitches, and is made of Christmas fabrics. It hangs so flat and straight, and is so pretty. I will cherish it always. So, thank you so much Finn, for a marvelous surprise! Loved it so much.
I am off today for the first day in many days...and I just feel wiped out! Hopefully I can achieve something today...naps sound great. But the laundry is calling..."Julie, Julie, come and finish me up!". So, I am doing that.
Hope this finds everyone having a super good day!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...