Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Wow, I have at last gotten some things finished, or good progress made at least! Above are my edge pieces for the Orange Crush Mystery Quilt.
And here are my twirling, swirling stars...

And here are my album blocks! Wow, a lot of work, because I did most of it today. Now, (to those quilters who are doing this quilt), are we setting them all together, or with any other blocks inbetween? Can I hurry and get ahead and set them together? I guess I will have to wait and see the next steps in the mystery.

This little quilt is a baby quilt for a friend at work's baby...machine done all of it and I am glad to have it done!

I finished this little postcard quilt...wrong season, I know, but it was started last fall! So I am glad it is done too.

And my favorite...a little heart quilt, hand quilted and appliqued, except for the fancy machine quilting along the little block edges. Fun!

This quilt went to college with our son. I made it about 5 years ago. It has appliqued borders.

Also, this one is our son's as well. I made three of this pattern, just alike: one red, one blue, and one pink.

This is my son's graduation quilt, quilted by Darcie! I love it...
So how is that for a lot of pictures and progress! Hope everyone had a marvelous holiday this weekend...


Does anyone know the name of this pattern? This little pillow top was in a chair in my mother-in-law's home when we closed out her house. The lily pad and the flower are appliqued, and the rest is embroidery. It is so pretty, and so old looking to me. I washed it carefully, and I think is is lovely.

Did anyone just have a few moments of utter peace among the chaos? I had one such moment today. I was at work, nursing in the critical care unit. My patients had been fed, bathed, clean linens were on the beds, meds given, and they were peaceful, pain free and resting well. One of them looked up and smiled so big at me as I passed. The other was, at last, stable, with a reasonable blood pressure. The charting was done, no doctors were yelling orders down the hall, no alarms bells were sounding, no V-tach was impending. Just....peace. I felt this way for several minutes, and for the life of me couldn't think of the last time I had felt caught up like this. It lasted about 16 minutes, then it all hit the fan, if you know what I mean. But...for that little while, I felt more peace than I have felt in a long time.

Weird, huh?

Hope everyone is having a peaceful moment at some point today!!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Little Animals!

Well, I have decided to start making Amandajean's Star quilt blocks on her blog Crazymomquilts. Also...I have decided to make Paula's homespun blocks from her blog The quilter. I am going to make as many different eight inch blocks as I can and put them into a sampler quilt. Just have to be a bit different, don't I! But serious, these talented ladies are making such pretty blocks I wanted to join in on both sets!! Sorry for the shadow on the block, but here is my first block. I have more cut out and will do them as time allows. I have also been working on these stitchery blocks. Love them! They just make me smile. I still have to finish the rest of the rainbow on the cows block.
Ane here is another cutie, I just love this dove...

And the rabbits. I made the block too small and put fabric around it, and boy it really shows up in the picture, more than real life! I will probably redo that one.

I am feeling very nervous, don't know why...but I had quite a bit of caffeine today! Better take my blood pressure. :) Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! We are looking forward to our son graduating from college on Saturday. We are so proud of him we could burst!!
Gratitudes: A wonderful son, amazing husband and time off to spend with them both celebrating graduation this weekend.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hi to everyone! This weekend was our local quilt show. We had some beautiful quilts and it was great fun! This bear-paw variation, however, had to come home with me. It is made of old blues, some shirtings...and some burlap!! Really, burlap sacks are the fabric in the brown squares. It is totally intact, pieced and quilted by hand...for the grand sum of $30.00. A little old lady was selling it and some other quilts, and she said they were made by her great-grandmother. The quilting is pretty wonky, but fun. Probably the lady did not have electric lights or anything to mark this quilt. Bonnie, you would love this one!!

I think it is pretty!! The edges are turned from the back to the front to form a binding. And it will have a good home with me.

This quilt was amazing, hand quilted about every 1/4 inch in tiny rows of even stitches. Beautiful! and my favorite.

And this one won the best of show! It is fused applique, machine applied, and machine longarm quilted within an inch of it's life! Both quilts are lovely in different ways...

This is my latest little quilt. A broken dishes pattern ( like Finn's at Pieces from my Scrapbag). The squares finish at 3/4 inch. Now, this is too small! I had a hard time making the points meet at all...but loved making it anyway.

Happy Mother's day to all the Moms out there!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...