Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hair covers...all about the Covid

 One of my doctors at the hospital where I work told me I need to keep my hair completely covered while I am in the Covid rooms.  I made these two hair covers today.  I tie them tightly around my head, and tuck the ends in...they look like a biker chick do-rag!  LOL!  We have to wear face shields and tie masks around our faces and heads all day, so hair is just in the way.  Chinese nurses are shaving their heads, believe it or not.
 Take a 24 inch square of fabric, and a 2 inch strip, cut width of fabric (44 inches).
 Cut the fabric in half.
 Find the centers on one triangle and the strip, and sew them right sides facing together.
 Press toward the triangle.
 Sew the other one similarly
Now fold the square together, right sides facing, and sew around the whole thing, leaving a space to turn it right side out.  Top stitch around it for strength and durability, because it has to be washed every night.    Tada!  A head covering, easily made. 

I additionally have these, that I stored in my drawer for a long time. The drug companies used to give them out freely to the nurses at the hospital.  So now I have hair covers for work!  

I took care of a covid patient yesterday. Deadly sick on the vent.  Stay in...don't get this stuff, friends.  Hugs to all.  I have a bit of a cough and headache today, but I think it is because I have had a mask on 14 hours a day for the last 3 days.  My saturation is fine, and lungs are clear to my own auscultation.

Stay safe, 



Libby in TN said...

You stay safe, Dear Friend. This stuff ain't pretty.

Lori said...

I'm glad the Dr is looking out for the nurses too!!

Kyle said...

Thinking of you.

Annie said...

Julie - If you or your nurse colleagues need hair covers, I bet other blog readers would join me in making and sending some to you. How many do you need? Like a whole lot of others, I’ve been making face masks for three weeks straight, and this would be an equally vital change of pace. Please let us know. Prayers and gratitude for you and your work!

Binsa said...

To my sweet friend Julie I think of you everyday and pray you stay safe and well

Julierose said...

Oh please stay safe--all of you nurses are such heroes for us on those front lines.. We have been totally staying in here; supposed peak this and next week for us. It is so frightening...and we STILL are seeing groups walking together in our neighborhood--what don't they understand about "social distancing"? I guess they think they are "special" and therefor exempt for the rules ....and so it goes...they should have to go and see and deal with what you do daily!! Maddening...
~ ~ ~ waving from afar Julierose

Barb said...

Thank you for being a nurse!! Thank you for caring for others and please be sure to care for yourself and stay well.

JoAnne said...

Stay safe and well, Julie. Thank you so much for all you're doing on the front lines. You rock!

Jane Dallmeyer said...

Stay safe. Thank you for all your work and dedication!!!

Chantal said...

Surreal! Prayers going your way and all hospitals' staff to keep you safe from harm. ♥

Loris said...

Oh my heart still goes out to you each day praying for you and for all the staff... especially those I picture in rooms with ventilators caring for the sickest ones. I also pray you can rest up today and recharge a bit in the sewing room :-)
I put the Straits aside and started sewing masks mostly for friends and neighbors so far. After 4 different variations, I think I know how I want to continue making them and will hopefully speed up the process. I had a bit of fun yesterday. I made some child size and had a scrap that worked perfect for my friends daughter's doll...named Elinor(like my black kitty)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Please stay safe and healthy, my friend! Bless you~

cspoonquilt said...

Geeeeez! bless you for your work! Take care!

Lilac Joan said...

There is good news around. I just talked to my 70 year old cousin and he is getting over the virus, 72 hours more of self quarantine. He wasn't tested but his doctor said he had the virus, and he was able to stay at home.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh that has to be so hard to see. I liked it when it was just a possibility .. not an actuality... sigh - you stay safe - and drink lots of fluids - and well I don't know what else - but you need to stay healthy! Hugs my friend!

Barb said...

You are the one that needs to stay safe. Thanks so much for your sacrifice...will be praying for your safe keeping.

Anonymous said...

Please stay safe. And thank you for serving.

KaHolly said...

Thank you for being out there caring for the sick. Please stay well. XO

Kim said...

14 hours a day in a mask....that is tough duty. Bless you for all you do for others.
Stay well.
Happy Sewing!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Stay safe!!!!!!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...