Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday morning

 I have a number of quilt tops that just need some finishing and then they can be quilted.  The above quilt top is one.  I just need to applique leaves on the vines, and then it will be done.  Will today be the day?  Well at least it is out of the closet, LOL!!
 I am accumulating a fair few of these leader and ender blocks from Quiltville's latest leader and ender idea.  I still have no idea what will be done with them!!
A friend of mine was deconstructing her old uniform tops, from the hospital.  She is retired, and she threw away the pockets...so hmmmm. What could I make?  So...I fused a thick interfacing on the back, and sewed one of them up...to make a glasses case.  I love it!  Saved from the trash, and just the right size for my glasses, as I have come to need readers in the last few years.

What are you up to today?

******************Nurse's notes***********************

So I am trying to beat the game!  I am trying to front load my weeks with work, so I won't get cancelled at the end of the week...so I went in yesterday and recovered one open heart surgery patient.  I am going to beat them at their own game!!!
 This was I get my hours, and don't have to use PTO to get paid...




Tired Teacher said...

How ingenious to use the pockets for an eyeglass case! I think your work schedule plans are right on target and should work perfectly.

WoolenSails said...

I have a few tops that need finishing, hopefully I can get more done this winter.
Great idea for your eyeglasses and recycling.


Stephanie D said...

Awesome thinking, outwitting the Powers That Be! I sold or gave away most of my scrub tops, but I saved some of my favorites--Halloween and Christmas, mostly. I've already deconstructed them, and just waiting for my eye to heal so I can get back to sewing again. Too late for Halloween this year, but maybe not for Christmas. Cool idea!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Someone gets a big bonus for having nurses use PTO to get paid. It is not justice.

GREAT alphabet quilt!

Janet O. said...

You are always accomplishing so much!
Great little leader/ender blocks.
I wish you well beating the "system"!!

Loris said...

Fun to think of the quilt your friend will make with her 'retired' shirts. I have a small stack too and a large one of the solid colors. They are a lovely Hoffman cotton. All low on the list at the moment. HA! The glass cases are a great idea!
I bet your work around plans will be successful till the busier times roll in again and you don't have to think about it for awhile again. Smart worker!

Jennie in GA said...

I have an alphabet quilt partially finished. Maybe someday I will be as productive as you and get mine out. Cute idea for the glasses case. And smart move about your schedule. Hope it works.

Chantal said...

Oops! Almost missed this post. Love your alphabet quilt. Will the leaves be red too? Very ingenious to make glasses cases out of pockets. I've always said it; you are one smart cookie. ;^)

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...