Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dear Jane update 10-13-2019


AttachmentsOct 12, 2019, 6:44 PM (18 hours ago)

These are Annie's latest blocks for Dear Jane.  Her piecing is so great!!  On we go! I love to share what Annie writes too. Here is what Annie wrote about these blocks.

"Here are the latest of my DJ blocks.  Have been swamped with work on keeping healthcare on the Island, so haven’t been able to spend as much time working on them as I wish.  When the time presents itself, these little blocks offer a lovely diversion and respite from the stress of life.  Suspect that Jane also found she could lose herself in crafting them.  I wonder if she alternated working on the more difficult ones with time spent making the simpler ones as I do. 

The next block in the series, the one called M-3, is living up to its reputation as a challenge.  I’d thought that I could make it entirely by machine, but find that it works better with some hand sewing involved.  The remaining ones in the row appear more straightforward, so I’m hoping to reach a first row finish this week...  we’ll see.   Annie"
 So here is my block for the week.  Here is where I started...
And here is the finished block.  Strange how the background affects the appearance of the colors.

Hope each of you is having a wonderful day!!!



Elaine Adair said...

Wow, all you gals who are working on the Dear Jane quilt are worthy of admiration from the rest of us! I would probably quit after just ONE! Yes, background is very interesting. Keep on keepin' on!

gayle said...

I really enjoy watching other people make those Dear Jane blocks. It keeps me from starting one because I am totally NOT going to start one myself. No, not ever. Nope. Not gonna happen. Nope...

Chantal said...

Awesome job to both of you. Baby steps but you are getting there. I admire that. Enjoy ;^)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...


Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...