Thursday, April 18, 2019

Just a few blocks

 So....I have figured a system of getting things done!  Whoop!  Every day is assigned a particular quilt along.  Wednesday is the Temecula blocks quilt along...see above.  I am doing these in rainbow colors, and teal is the color for April.
 Monday is for the Meeting House quilt along...caught up on these blocks!!!
Tuesday is for Tiny Tuesday, with Rainbow quilts. (Angel at So Scrappy)  These are the most current I am cheering right now...not caught up with all these projects but getting closer.

So there!  System-ness wins!!!  or something like that...hahaha!

************************Just a note************************

I am sorry about the death of Gwen Marston.  I felt like I knew her...what a lovely quilter...she will be very missed.

My very good friend from work has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer...from breast to lung mets.  Very difficult insurance problems are being worked through to get her treatment.  Just makes me so sad and a bit angry, actually.

My friend Lyn in Australia lost her daddy...and that is so sad too.

So I am praying for all and for peace, too!!




---"Love" said...

Sounds like you came up with a good plan, and it is working for you. I need to do that too, and especially my house! ---"Love"

Karen said...

I could not remember what Meeting House is so I put in a request to join as I can't see anything otherwise.

Janet O. said...

I hope your system keeps working for you. My system is just to sew what I can when I can. Sometimes it works, other times I just don't sew. :)
Sometimes it seems there is sadness and hard times no matter which way you turn--until you look up.

Binsa said...

Great system Julie thank you sweet friend for your support with the passing of my Dad

Chantal said...

One step forward is one step closer to the finish. Great plan, Julie, to get things done. I need to do that with my hand quilting. it will never be done at this rate. Sorry to hear about your friend. Sending prayers. ;^)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

This morning I have added your prayer concerns to my list. I was sad to read of Gwen's passing, I had only just read her story in an issue of Quilt Folk from last fall; the quilting world mourns her loss but we've all been left richer for her quilts and books and approach to quiltmaking which loosened the rules. Your day-to-day approach is organized and systematic, such a great plan!

Lori said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. I hope her treatment can start soon.
I guess if you are going to make progress on your quilts you should be organized. It sounds like it is working for you.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Sorry about Gwen Marston and your friend. Sometimes life is just too short. If one is doing a lot of SAL and QAL's your system is great! Especially if you stay on schedule. I enjoy selecting a project and completing it, AND mix in one or two SAL or QAL to keep me from being board with my current project! Happy Easter!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...