Monday, April 15, 2019

Dearest Boy update!

HI everyone!  These are not the original trees for this quilt...I tried and tried to make those trees, and finally decided that I would make these instead!  LOL!!!  So here you are...the end is getting closer!!!

Have a super day!

Please see these quilters below to see their blocks.



Cathy said...

Love your block. We all did different versions of a pine tree. Hugs

Tired Teacher said...

The trees look fabulous - I love that you're not stressing about making your blocks exactly like the pattern.

Karen said...

Good choice of pattern, Julie!

Carole~Quilter on the hill said...

This pattern is driving me crazy! You are being very gracious about it and I like your alternative pine trees.

Lori said...

Those trees look great and I'm sure they'll fit in perfectly!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

So funny tht you all made your own tree block. I love them all!

Janet O. said...

The trees in the pattern look really hard. I think you made a smart move.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Good for you! I like your trees!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Took a closer look at the pattern! Those are quadrants from a Lone Star Block - all probably cut on a 45 degree and one must really have the right ruler and tools to make them. Pretty, but technically a nightmare! Smart move!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...