Thursday, April 25, 2019

Finishing some things!

 I recently had some time to hand quilt these, and bind them.  Except the rail fence quilt...that was quilted by my friend Kristy!!  It is a gift for a patient.  The quilting made it so pretty that it is hard to give up, LOL!  The table runner was made from orphan blocks gifted to me...and the red work quilt is made from embroidered blocks that are at least ten years old.  Hurrah for some finishes!!
 This itty-bitty flower quilt is one of several flower quilts that I have made...I love flowers so, so much, and this is just made up of pieces and parts.  In fact...the whole quilt was made because I had a little piece of stem leftover...and I made the whole rest of the little quilt was fashioned around that stem, so I could use it up!
I have a fun, lovely friend, Audrey, of Quilty folk blog fame.  She recently posted about a friend who posted all her projects, perfect or not.  I immediately thought she must be posting about me...HAHAHAHAHA!! Of course she probably wasn't.....but...this quiltlet is just the best example of non perfection.  It is just about 6 inches wide...but one side is a whole half inch longer than the other!  Bwwahahahaha!  I have no idea how I did that, or how is fits together.





Joyful Quilter said...

No, no,'s not a quilty's a design feature. ;o)

Janet O. said...

Congrats on so many finishes!!
I recall many sweet flower quilts that you have made over the years.
Your little green quilt does not appear to be wonky. Just a great use of leftovers.

Anonymous said...

That little flower is dancing and waving! I love it. I read your blog all of the time but I rarely comment.

AnnieO said...

They are all so charming and sewn with love, who could fault that? xxoxo

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What great fun finishes!! and you know how that happens? Gremlins! yep - they don't like perfection... ha ha ha - at least that;s my story!

Tired Teacher said...

Perfection!? What's that? It doesn't exist at my house.

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on all the finishes... perfect and not!

Lizzy D said...

I love all your finishes! The comment about Audrey's un-named quilter who shows poor work made me laugh too! I was/ am so sure it is me. Tho Audrey kindly says Not. I thought your''mistake on the little teal triangles quilt was the uneven borders,lol. That was and is a design aspect. So sweet, I love teeny tiny quilts.

lizzy gone to the beach...

Chantal said...

That beautiful little flower is calling Spring. I know because I can hear it. :^D
Love your finishes. (I have one that is crooked and I don't understand how I did it. hehehe!)
You know what all those finishes mean, right? You can now start something new! YAY! ;^)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Like all the finishes! Looking good - none of us are perfect, but we always try! LOL

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I can't tell that one end is longer than the other. Nice finishes.

Kyle said...

Awesome finishes. I love the fact that you made a whole quilt just to use up a piece of stem you had previous made. You're a special one of a kind quilter just like the ones you make.

audrey said...

You're so funny! Not you at all. Love your work, all the imperfections and little things you do that make your quilts so alive!:)

Lori said...

Perfect quilts in their own humble quirky way!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...