Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blessed day!!

 I have been working. working....working!  But today, I am off.  I finished the above blocks, for a quilt along at Bee in my bonnet.  These patterns are free....check her blog out here, and scroll backward to see the blocks.  She has a couple different quilt alongs going on, but this one is fun, because it gives the patterns right along...and they are GREAT patterns.


Here is the latest block from Pat Sloan is a Space themed quilt, named "Out of this World"    I have no spacey fabrics, so I am using my scraps as usual.  All the blocks are still!!  By the way, her website has dozens of free much fun!

  This is just some cut off points, sew together.

FREE!!   Hahaha!!!!

*************************Nurse's Notes***************************

I have had the most lovely and precious patients!!!

One family feeds me every day...brought me a shirt, and a jacket when I mentioned I was cool...just are the sweetest and nicest people.  They are from an ultra religious family, and cannot cut their hair or wear pants or pierce their ears. Oh the glorious heads of hair on those girls!  Down to their knees!   It is so interesting to see their expressions of faith and family togetherness....just so kind and nice, under very stressful circumstances.

One patient had short term memory was fun to introduce myself a few times a day!  She was so sweet...her long term memory was totally intact, and she told me that she was a tatter in her day.  Super fun...and a knitter, too.

It was very gratifying to take a "nervous Nelly"  sort of man in his 50's through heart surgery, encouraging him when he thought he could not get up to the chair the day after surgery (which the doctors encourage), to walking right out the front door!  HURRAH!  for him!!!

Loved my week...hope you had a lovely one too, with whatever you do!




Tired Teacher said...

Fantastic blocks - you know that I love stars! I'm happy to hear that you had a good week with some delightful patients/families. Enjoy your day off.

---"Love" said...

Your little blocks are so pretty! I really like the first one. In cleaning, I found some little HST blocks I had salvaged; I should put them together like yours; glad I saw yours. ---"Love"

Anonymous said...

I love your little blocks! They inspire me to get sewing! Sounds like you had a great week and you have chosen the right profession. Not all of us are capable of being a nurse or anything in the health care industry. Thank you for doing what you do. Nadine W. N. Cali

Rebecca in AK said...

I am glad you to play with some fabric today. Pretty blocks! I always enjoy your Nurse’s Notes!

Mary Ann said...

I love Pat's Christmas blocks, Merry and Bright, so much that I finished one in red and green, quilting one in blue, cream and white and pulled fabric this weekend for one in red and black! I only bought border fabric for the first, 2 border and background for the second and have to buy a background fabric for the third. I am also piecing large chunks of Christmas fabrics for the backings. I collected alot in the 80's and 90'! Mary Ann

Lori said...

Sounds like a positive time at work!

Sweet quilt blocks, Julie!!

Karen said...

You are working on so many block sew alongs and making marvelous ones! I need more time!

Janet O. said...

This post exudes your love for what you do--both the quilting and the nursing.
And I love that you had a good week!

Kyle said...

It's nice to have days like that. It keeps the "hope" meter up.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...