Sunday, March 31, 2019

Working on this and that

 I think I am just enamored with these scraps!!!  I am loving making these each day.
 The stars keep on shining, too...almost, almost, almost done with the stars for the challenge quilt!  Hurrah!!!
 I have also been working (not hard enough) on the Temecula Wednesday quilt along...these are fun and fast!!
 I pulled this EEP project out again...looked at it and cannot find the motivation to work on it. It is not big enough, but I am not willing to make more hexie blocks for it, at least not now.  What to do?  I think I will put it back and wait until I am ready to finish it.  When will that be???
 A favorite hexie block...these fabrics are getting dated, this UFO is so old!!  I bet  you may have seen these fabrics around!
 I finished this little is "quilted to death"...hand quilting rocks!!
 I found this set of coasters and finished them...also hand quilted.  The stall on these was I cut the binding one inch.  Silly girl!  It was tough to turn that small a seam I won't do that again!
And a bookmark.

And that is it, folks!!!

******************Nurse's Notes*********************

This little note is not really about the hospital, but kind of is, too.  I am finding myself just overwhelmed with all I have going on.  I feel I cannot do justice to any of it?  Any of you find yourself in that situation and what do I do about it, except keep on going as fast as I can??

I think I am down heartened a little bit because of a patient yesterday...I had been in the room 15 minutes, and he had called me every cuss word in the book, and screamed all day long at me.  ALERT and ORIENTED!!!  Not a confused patient...he just made me sad.  Nothing I did was fast or right enough...and yet?  the next door patient was a darling gentleman farmer who kept apologizing for the other guy's behavior!    I am so, so tired today...


So I called work and we made a plan about this guy.  Only male nurses are going to take care of him...he treats males a bit better...and we found out from his wife, who strangely enough, was not up there to visit (not strange at all, really...she needed a break) ...that he was a big time drinker.  He said on his history that he did not drink.  So, this was some DT's that I got to witness.  

It is really important to know that information before a major heart surgery!


Maybe I just need a break, or something?




Vicki W said...

We have created such an outrage culture that there's very little respect and decency left. I was on a trip recently and at the airline counter being helped by a very nice agent. A couple came up yelling because they missed their flight (later the were next to me on my flight and I learned that they were in a bar during boarding and he had refused to leave early for boarding). Anyway he's yelling at the agent that she needs to fix it! She turned to him as calmly as possible and said "Are you sure that you want to yell at the person who is going to try to help you?" He shut up and his wife pulled him away from the desk.
My aunt is in a nursing home now and she's never been a happy person so she's ugly to everyone there. My cousin says she goes on an apology tour every time she visits. Hopefully your patient will check out soon - one way or another.

Katie said...

Your projects are all beautiful! And I think the hexie flowers pretty much sum up my moms stash! (Or at least a good chunk of it!!) As for the patient. I work as a cashier, so my stress level is less and my exposure in shorter bits, but have found some people just want to be angry. They don't care about what, they just want to be jerks. And going to work with that mindset has helped me a lot. Embrace the sweet ones who treat you with respect and think no more about those who don't. Take care of them as you would any other, but leave their memory at the door when you go home. (Easier to say than do, I know!) Naps are always good on days off, too, though! (Particularly those that involve fur-babies!)

Sue SA said...

A break from work and a debrief might help. Nobody deserves to be abused like that and you need someone to help you process what happened to you.

Lilac Joan said...

I only know you from your blog. But I cannot understand how anyone could or would be abusive to you.

Donna said...

Bless your heart. No one should be mistreated especially when you are trying to help them! Hope you get some time to quilt and recoup from your mean patient.

Nancy said...

My daughter mentions having "hateful" patients some days. My husband and I think nurses may suffer from PTSD from all the abuse that sometimes comes their way. Bless you, Julie. I wish there were some kind of magical, protective layer nurses could wear to prevent the hatefulness from touching them!
I love your pitcher with flowers. It is delightful. Your other parts and pieces and blocks look wonderful.

Lori said...

What a fun variety of quilt blocks!!

Some people are just horrible mean people! I'm so sorry!!

Chantal said...

I love your little 4-patch blocks. They are tempting me! The best way to handle the hexie quilt is to pick it up and sew. If the love come back, you'll be en route for another part of the journey. If the love doesn't show up, pass it on to someone else. (Some of those fabrics remind me of my mother's house dresses.)
It's easy to understand why the patient is so mean; he's missing his drinks. It doesn't mean that I approve of his behavior but they have raised a "enfant roi" (spoiled child like a king) and this little brat is now an adult and the society has to deal with its violent behavior. I'm sending good, peaceful vibes your way and some prayers so you find peace of mind again. Maybe a little talk with a professional on how to deal with the emotional burden of these patients and a good long vacation is called for. You did work a lot of hours lately. You deserve a break. Consider yourself hug, sweet friend. ♥ ;^)

Ellie said...

Great blocks!
Easier said than done, but let’s hope you can just put this guy behind you and just feel sorry for his poor wife and family.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You have been very busy stitching. Sorry about that guy. His parents forgot to teach him to treat others the way he wants to be treated. So many people now think everything is about them ONLY, and no one else matters at all. I'm so glad my sons don't think that way.

WoolenSails said...

You have been busy with so many wonderful projects and you are going to have some beautiful quilts when they are done.


cityquilter grace said...

very nice projects....and you are so right about hand quilting! my daughter is a nurse too so i understand your frustration...her other issue is patient families who think their loved one is her only patient...sigh

Tired Teacher said...

Great projects - I made a small table mat with hexies. It was fun, but I can't imagine making anything bigger with them.

Sharon said...

What a jerk. Nurses couldn't start an IV on me and I kept apologizing because I was so embarrassed that I was holding up their schedule. Withhold the pain meds, that would get his attention! I think it's interesting that you mention "keep going as fast as I can" I think the opposite is what we need to do. Table the unimportant things, organize them with notes and put them in boxes. Find ONE thing in your quilting life the uses the machine and one that is by hand. Only work on those few things, you will see results and those results may just give you the mojo you need to not feel so overwhelmed. I tabled everything this past year, haven't submitted one pattern. But I've got a lot of back projects out of my head/hair/studio and that gives me space to think. It might sound selfish but really it's for the best of everyone around us!

Janet O. said...

Each project is delightful, but what grabs my attention the most is how you were treated by that man who obviously does not know his own worth, or the value of each person around him. So sorry you have been taking the heat from him. I think the plan of male nurses only is a good one.
Please don't try to go faster, Julie. Take a step back and see what you can do to slow down. You deserve some time that is not filled with the needs of others. Maybe that is your quilting time, as mine is, but I had to stop participating in so many SALs with deadlines because that added stress to what should be therapeutic. I am trying to focus more on finishing projects that I enjoy, and maybe passing along the ones that I don't.
BTW, I believe my hexie project is about the same age, I know it contains some of those same fabrics, and I don't want to work on mine, either. LOL
Praying for you, girlfriend!

Nines said...

Maybe you need a hug! Here's one from Indiana! Hang in there.

Kyle said...

I'm glad you've Ahmad all of your lovely stitching projects to distract you from the bad situations that occur at work, but don't let all of these projects turn into a stressful situation too. Sending you hugs too.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

i think some people have lost all sense of decorum.... its really sad actually - that they find it okay to treat others that way. I hope your heart heals ( that stuff tears my heart up) and that your stitching brought peace to you. Hugs

Barb said...

what fun blocks you're working on - love the watering can folky quilt! so fun!
I'm glad you found out the truth about the patient, but still sorry you had to hear that abuse!

Quayquilter said...

My husband was in hospital recently and I was appalled at the behaviour or three other patients which included rudeness, racial abuse and some violence. I was so impressed by the staff who behaved firmly and professionally. I think their team spirit and cmutual support carried them through along with that of other patients.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...