Saturday, March 9, 2019

Squeezing in a bit of sewing time!

 Well...I have working 13 hours each, for the last three day, at the hospital.  I usually don't sew much when I work...just too tired out.  But...I have decided to change my paradigm!!  Each evening, I laid out the pieces for a star, right by the sewing machine.  Instead of playing on the computer before I went to work each morning for ten minutes, as is my habit...I made a new habit of sewing a star!  So there you go.  Four stars down!

I also sewed one of these blocks each morning.  I have no idea where this is going....

Sneak in ten minutes every day...and you will land among the stars!  Hahaha!



---"Love" said...

Great idea! However, I like to sleep late, but I can stay up later than anyone, so maybe I should try that just before I hit the bed! About six weeks ago I set some rules for myself. I don't leave my bedroom in the morning until I'm fully dressed and the bed is made. Then at night, all the dishes must be washed before I go to bed. So far, it's working for me, and I'm sure your early sewing will work for you too! ---"Love"

Angie said...

Love how your mind works... :) and your stars...Randy left this plane of existence for beyond the stars on my birthday, February 26, 2019. It was important to me that I let you know. I love you, Julie.

Janet O. said...

Smart system, Julie. I'm thinking this is some good mental therapy on those busy days, too.

Kyle said...

Your 10 minute therapy paid off.

Anonymous said...

Fun post. I discovered these habits quite awhile ago and now rely on them. I also run around and do a quick “pick up” of the house before going to bed if I had a busy day and couldn’t get my regular “chores” done that day. I feel so much better when I wake up and don’t start off already feeling I’m way behind. I fortunately read a great article many years ago by a quilter who shared this. Before leaving her quilting, she always sets up for the next step. This includes walking away for an hour or for the day. Lay out a block, Iron blocks that you need to square up and set out the correct ruler and cutter, change the color of thread on the machine if that is what will be needed when you come back, etc. OMG. This alone changed my stick to it-ness. It makes it so much easier when I slip back into my quilting mode. (Like if I am going to start marching quilting next.. I put the thread I would be using and the right machine quilting foot on the machine. Set out my practice sample piece right next to my machine. Another tip I learned. When I practice a new motif I plan to use on a quilt, I prep a 18” sandwich out of fabric that I can easily see what I’m quilting but also a fabric that I would probably never use in a million years. Then I keep all of the “samples” in a special box. What a great reference I have built up over the years for inspiration. Several times I have been pleasantly surprised as I had forgotten doing a particular motif and it was perfect for my current quilt. Btw, I’m a registered nurse and know what it is like to be able gather up snatches of time for my passions. Love your post and especiallly the adorable little four patch blocks. I try to keep some quilts on hand for local donations. This one is perfect. We just lost our 34 year old Captain of our local volunteer fire department last weekend. Very tragic. It was a multi family house which was completely destroyed. The community has stepped up in a big way to help these people who lost everything. I try to keep all sizes and types of quilts on hand for potential situations. SO THANK YOU and all of the many other bloggers who take the time to post. Your post has impacted me to add this simple project to my list of quilts to make for our community. I label each quilt with this: Made with love by Grammie Berwick for someone who needs a hug. (Berwick is the name of our community). I deliver them to the town who has been able to keep the donations anonymous for me. I taught our 4 boys that everything we do either directly or indirectly effects everyone around us. For you bloggers out there you impact many of us readers and I for one am always grateful for your time and generosity.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I tend to sit at the computer too much, and don't get nearly enough stitching done, now that I'm working.

Chantal said...

They said: "if you want something to be done, give it to someone who is busy" and you just proved that point. You always find time to do more. You're my hero. I play too (on my phone) in the morning while I drink my first coffee. It's my way of perking up my brain ... slowwwwlllyy with brain-teaser games. If I were to start my day sewing, I would think about that all they long and be very miserable, out of focus at work, wanting nothing more than to be back at it. But if it works for you, go for it! I tend to leave something prepped for the next sewing session. Either have the fabric picked out or the cutting is all done like that I can hit the ground running. Hahaha! I hope you are getting a few days off after working all those long hours. Enjoy! ;^)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like that plan!!! And your stars look great!

Lori said...

My timer is my friend! But I do tend to get distracted easy!! LOL

Holly said...

What a wonderful lady! She is storing up her treasures in heaven for sure. I was a nurse too, for 35 years. Take care if yourselves....all you young nurses.

Sandy said...

You are such an inspiration, Julie. You, and your readers who have left their own tips and experience in their comments! I remember Kathie Holland saying how she always left her work area with something "machine ready" to sew. I have tried this, and it works! Now, lets all go sew!

Stephanie D said...

What a great idea! I've been working on my daily plans and weekly goals. I thought when I retired, I'd get so much more done, but that hasn't happened. I think I just take longer to do everyday things than I used to, now that I have more time. Plus, the computer/smartphone...

So, I'm starting to write out weekly goals-and then cross them off, because writing them is easy. lol

audrey said...

So true that with good planning, anything can be accomplished.:) Slowly but surely wins this game!

Mystery quilt and more

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