Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Rosie's handiwork!

 Believe it or not, I have almost all the stars sewn for this quilt!  One a day, before work...it really works!  Just about 13 minutes of sewing.  I went ahead and sewed the middle rows together, with the large center block.  It is just a matter of sewing some more diagonal edge blocks...and presto!!  It will be a quilt top!

A secret to share...this is one of five quilts made by my local quilting group.  I laid down a challenge...to make a quilt from this pattern! Five intrepid ladies took up the sword, and went for it.  Almost all are to the top stage, except mine.  These will be shown in our local quilt show, as a group quilting project.  I cannot wait to see it actually hanging in a quilt show!  All our quilts are very different, such different fabric choices!

NOW, about that Rosie Poodle...she has gone poodle quilt block surfing through these blocks so many times...that I surmised that she just wants this arranged differently. What do you think of her design?

Little stinker...she had a pretty large tumor removed from her chest/neck area...the incision is about 3 inches long.  It was cancer, but he said the margins were clean, so that was good...I hope it does not re-occur.  She is having to wear a cone, and she hates it and gives me the biggest woeful eyed looks...but I did remove it, she promptly removed some of the stitches, necessitating a follow up vet visit.  $2000.00 later.....this was an expensive thing!  That is altogether.  Makes me think about pet insurance...do you have that?

Have a great day, everyone!!



Lori said...

Poor Rosy and you! I do believe there is pet insurance, but I imagine it would cost more than I'm willing to pay for our mixed breeds.

Great blocks! A little here and a little there and ta-da! A quilt top is born! Now if I could be as dedicated to the daily sewing as you!!

Joyful Quilter said...

I think you should make a poodle modern quilt and use Rosy's layout as inspiration...hehehe.

Hope Rosy is doing better. I don't have pet insurance - I do include vet expenses in my budget. Luckily the current cat is very health.

Chantal said...

Wow! You are really speeding through this quilt. I love what I see. Sorry to hear about Rosie's surgery. Hope all is well now and the worst is behind you. Remember, don't remove the cone no matter what she tells you. ;^)

Kat Scribner said...

The past 2 years we had to take our sheltie to the Emerg Animal Hospital, he had his own heart specialist! A few thousand dollars laters i also asked about pet insurance. They said the insurance has limitations in some areas and it might be just as wise to put those insurance $$$ aside to build up until the need. BTW, I love this star project. Cant wait to see the top together.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Poor puppy. Yes, vet costs are expensive. We adopted a dog, and found out a week later that he had heartworm. VERY expensive to treat, and we had a 'plan' at Banfield to help cut the costs.

Tired Teacher said...

Another blogging buddy's vet recommended using a snug, dog onesie instead of a cone. It worked perfectly and her dog loved it.

---"Love" said...

A friend of mine has pet insurance on her dog, but I don't have a pet, so I can't offer advice. I can say I really do like the layout for your patriotic blocks. I think you might want to make a few changes in Rosy's arrangement. ;) ---"Love"

Kyle said...

Hope Rosie continues to improve and her cone of shame can be removed.

Loris said...

Your quilt blocks are lovely! You are having a great time there with so many fun colors.
Poor Rosie! I hope she heals up quickly! My friend has pet insurance for her dogs. She has done the math and found it was worth it. However, important to start early as it doesn't include pre-existing problems. It doesn't cost too much when they are young but increases with age. Her German Shepard is 10 now and the cost is about $70/month I think. He's had a few issues though and it has all been covered. Most of my crew is pretty old and so not starting any insurance at this point.

Just Ducky said...

Yes, we have pet insurance after the last dog cost over $5000. Currently we pay about $40 per month to Healthy Paws in the state of Washington where we live. It doesn't cover routine things like vaccinations and well pet exams, but if you have a catastrophe like we did last time, it is worth it.

Binsa said...

I hope Rosie recovers well.we don,t have pet insurance for our dogs.love your blocks

Lizzy D said...

I hope Rosie recovers and stays well! I had insurance for Mo and it covered NOTHING, cost about 1500.oo a year. Maybe I will reinstate it when he is a senior dog.

Lovely projects, you work so fast!

You won the scrap bag giveaway, pls contact me robin750@man.com or lizzzz.d@gmail.com


PS there are soft donut things you can get instead of a cone and there are also soft-ish fabric cones that might be more comfy.

Lizzy D said...

email typo above/// scrap bag winner, contact me robin750@msn.com

Janet O. said...

Rosie may not have the best design sense, but I hope she recovers quickly--without having to return for more stitches.
I applaud you for getting in the sewing each morning. When I tell myself I will do that I fail abysmally! It will be a glorious red. white and blue, star-filled quilt!

Nines said...

Love the red white and blue!

Karen said...

I can't tell the size from the picture but those squares in your star quilt look tiny!

Quilter Kathy said...

When my daughter got her dog Max, she was encouraged to purchase pet insurance, which I thought was a scheme promoted by the vet and encouraged her to not get it.
Thankfully she didn't listen to me and that dog, although adorable and the light of her life, has cost thousands of dollars in vet bills, all paid for my her insurance (minus the deductible fee) which she wisely purchased . He had Parvo as a puppy, he's had infections, jaw surgery related to a baby tooth abscess, skin rashes, and it never seems to end! He's at the vet today getting an xray for something!
Poor Rosie! Dogs are such lovable beings, add so much to our lives and yet can be so expensive!
Also Rosie is a great quilt assistant creating original designs for you all the time! LOL

Barb said...

SAd to hear about Rosie, hope it does not come back, love your blocks

Stephanie D said...

I don't know how much insurance will cover on older dogs with pre-existing conditions. We have put out so much on our little rescue cocker spaniel, whom we got when she was 3 years old. She's torn ligaments in both knees, resulting in $3000 surgery on each, had hemorrhagic gastroenteritis twice, pancreatitis, had an auto immune disease, extensive arthritis in her knees, hips and spine, chronically infected right ear, chronic dental infections, etc. If I were to get a puppy when Tandi passes (she's almost 15 now), I would probably get pet insurance, although I've been told if you can just pay yourself the premium and put it in a separate account or something, it would probably be just as reasonable, and then it would cover everything--unlike insurance plans. But who has the discipline to do that?

Jan said...

So glad Rosie is okay. Vets are sure expensive these days.I sure like your star blocks!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...