Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Starry progress

I am working on stars, for this quilt.  I have no idea why each one is taking so long, or maybe collectively, they are taking a long time!!!  But it is fun, anyway!!!

Have a great day!



---"Love" said...

My favorite kind of star! That is going to be so pretty when finished. Makes me want to drag out my patriotic fabrics! ---"Love"

dq said...

I absolutely love this quilt! It makes me smile.

Libby in TN said...

You've done the hard part, just three stars to go!

cityquilter grace said...

very pretty...red/white/blue..timeless combo

Sandy said...

Excellent, Julie. The red really sparkles, and I love how the variety of neutrals give the element of depth.

Tired Teacher said...

This is going to be a stunning quilt.

Ann said...

Sometimes it’s nice to let the project go it’s own way. This is pretty

Janet O. said...

A beautiful patriotic quilt, Julie! I don't know why your stars seem to take so long, but I know what my problem is when it comes to progress on my current project.
I am at the computer stalling because I don't want to go attach the borders on my half log cabin quilt. But I have the timer set and in 15 more minutes I need to go face the task. I do not enjoy doing borders on large quilts. :(

Nines said...

You're almost there!

Lori said...

What a terrific setting!

Kyle said...

That's a great design layout!

Quilter Kathy said...

I'm making stars too this week! FUN!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh that is so pretty!!!

Elaine Adair said...

Looking good! Perhaps it is taking long because you are enjoying the process. 8-)) Elaine Adair

AnnieO said...

Choosing the right fabrics and enjoying making the blocks is happy time! You have lots of projects to play with just now.

Mystery quilt and more

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