Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Moving forward, and musings

 I have been thinking about things...oh dang, watch out world, LOL!!  I really love hand quilting...it is so soothing and delightful fun for me.  Above are some smaller hand quilted quilts, by me.
 I really love the soft texture and pretty colors...by the way, this was a quilt along by Lori, of Humble quilts.  She is having a Dollie quilt swap right now...better check her out!


 Every day, I make a star block, early in the morning before work.  It is working!  You can eat that elephant, a bite at a time!!!
 Also, I am making one of these blocks.  I am in love with these simple scrappy blocks.  Using scraps is a good thing, and it makes more scraps...hahaha!
 I put a border on two quilts, and this is one of them.  I like a pull border, because when my guy gets a tugging hold of this quilt to pull it up around his chin, I don't want him necessarily pulling on the patchwork.  It feel more finished to me, now...I will try to hand quilt this one too.
I like this silly block.  "Of thee I sing!"  Get the notes?  LOL!!  Her hair looks a bit like mine...hmmmmm.

Some thoughts:

I have been blogging about ten years or more now...I continue to absolutely love it!! I have made fast friends, and lovely people from all over connect with me, and I with them.  Blogging has spurred me on to more quilting!  That is fun and good therapy for me. Quilting took over my life when my kiddo flew the nest and I was pretty lonesome and bereft from missing him.  It is hard to be so involved with scouts and band and sports and hockey and school...and to go to nothing, all at once.  Some of you surely can relate!  So it has been wonderful and lovely!

I have a lot of projects to finish up...so I have sent many quilt tops out to be quilted, and still have many more to get quilted.  I am hand quilting as much as time allows me to.  I am binding in the car, on trips...and piecing in the mornings, as moments allow.

What is the end goal of all this?  I think it is not the quilts, but the journey with fabric and thread and quiet moments and raucous laughter and love shared through so many of us.

So, I intend to keep on going full speed ahead, with a goal of finishing a lot up.

ALSO.... I will be selling some items, so please stay tuned if you are interested.

Just some silly thoughts from the girlie today!

Have a great one yourself!!




Libby in TN said...

You go, Girl! I agree.

Janet O. said...

Nothing silly here--a view of some of your beautiful quilts, and some insights into your soul. Always a worthwhile glimpse.
So glad you are going to continue blogging, Julie. Stops here are always a bright spot. I was getting nervous that you were going to take this in a different direction. Whew!
Selling stuff--like some of your quilts? Oh, I know a little one I hope will be in the mix. *tee hee*

Tired Teacher said...

I quilt and sew because I enjoy the process not because I need more bed coverings, so I understand completely. That's also part of the reason I make quilts for the QOV program.

---"Love" said...

I like the way you think! I'm trying, but I'm not as successful as you ---- yet! ---"Love"


you put into words what I was thinking and feeling--
only I didn't know it--until now--
I have slowed down in the quilting--(right now it all has to be hand work as I don't have a sewing machine)
I love making the blocks it seems--just don't enjoy making them into quilts--it seems--
so that is why when I got back here to NY I gave a big box full of blocks to my friend Anne--who is having a good time sewing them into hospice quilts--adding some of her own to each quilt--so fun to see what she does with them--
and are ready for this--I still do not have a quilt for my own bed that I have made!!!!
One of these days??/
luv, di

Ellie said...

Beautiful quilts! I so enjoy reading your blog. You’re so upbeat and happy, although I’m sure you have your moments like the rest of us.

Kyle said...

I like the way you think! Keep on enjoying your journey and thanks for sharing it with us.

Lori said...

Quilting is great therapy!! WE don't do it for the quilt, but the journey.

Chantal said...

You will continue to blog? WHOOHOO!! At point, I was afraid you were handing in your resignation. NOOOOooooooooo! I'm so happy to be so totally wrong. :^D I love reading you, in all your quirkiness and wisdom and colors and patients and plaids, etc. We are a very pretty community all bloggy quilters together like that. I am so happy you are part of my world. It's not about the quilt, it's all about what the thread is holding together. ;^)

Quilter Kathy said...

I can completely relate... I was also bereft when my baby birdies flew away from the home nest. It's all good and healthy for them, but I was so sad and missed how much they filled up my life. Quilting has filled that whole, and I just keep on going with that. Maybe some day I'll be distracted by other loves, but not so far :)
Love the idea of a "pull border"!

strawberrypatches said...

My son quotes a saying (don't know where it comes from) "happiness is a journey, not a destination" and, like you, that's how I feel about quilts too. I've followed your blog for years and love it. Keep going Julie - it's lovely to share your life and thoughts.

Elyte said...

Lovely thoughts shared.

Barb said...

great post. I love seeing your hand quilted pieces.
I agree, it's the journey the destination.
Happy Stitching

Karrin Hurd said...

Great projects and thoughts! I’m glad you still will be blogging, I look forward to your posts!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Very nice projects! Your 'thoughts' are right on track! It is the process and the fact that we can share our work with others. We may be the inspiration for the day, or yet, someone may inspire us to continue on! Enjoy!

Stephanie D said...

I don't comment often enough, but I love coming here. Not only do I love looking at your quilting projects, but you keep me in touch with my nursing past. Sometimes I miss it, sometimes I'm glad I'm not working anymore, but always, I'm nostalgic. I've restarted my blog, and reconnecting with blogs I used to follow. Life got busy and I stopped it all, but it's been fun to start reading favorite blogs again.

Suzanne said...

I am glad you will continue to blog. I read every one of your postings- and have for years- but rarely comment. I always feel I’ve lost a friend when someone stops blogging. Thank you for continuing to inspire us with your quilts and your nursing notes. Suzanne

Kathy said...

I so appreciate reading your blog as I feel it’s like getting a letter in your mailbox of how someone’s life is going. You are one who quilts in between other life projects so it’s refreshing to know you are like so many of us. I enjoy hearing your nursing experiences too and what life brings to your plate each day,

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

While my boys were still at home, as they got older, they didn't seem to need me much, except as a taxi. I wasn't working, and I got depressed. I found Quilts of Valor in my area, and got very involved in it. QoV seemed to need me more, and got me out of my depression. Since then I've done more and more, quilting wise, then started collecting vintage machines. By the time my boys were flying the coop, I was involved, and they were interested in my quilting (helping me design quilts, and hand quilting designs). Now the youngest is keeping me busy making baby quilts (no, he doesn't want simple one's, he wants the difficult ones). Seems I'll be quilting for a long time, thank goodness.

Nines said...

I suppose we started our Blogging journey together. I love the process of quilting also- it's not just about the end result. I'm glad you are continuing in your tradition and I look forward to seeing all of your beautiful projects.

Karen said...

I like your pile of wall size quilts. Nice colors and design. Touches of applique make them special.

I don't have a real good reason for making quilts. Well, the whole process of creativity makes me happy which is enough for me to want to keep doing it. If I give away some of what I make, that makes me happy too.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...