After all this quilting...we just MUST rest!!!
My iris is blooming in December. Hmmmm. why???
Ok, well I am starting another mystery, prior to quiltville’s mystery! It is great fun so far!
Hurrah! Hope each of you is having a marvelous day!
On we go; hope you are finding some sewing time!
I have a lovely helper, assisting me with all things quilting. Lucky kitty is so darling and precious to me. I love him dearly!
Hope you are doing great, each of you!!
***************************Nurse's Notes**************************
Our friend Angie made it through her SECOND open heart surgery!!! I am so, so glad...she is taking time to heal and adjust to her new normal. What an amazingly tough person!!! All your prayers did all the good in the world!
Comments no longer go to my inbox again. Sigh...what now? I changed nothing!!!!!!!!!
Took him to the vet...the eye will be totally fine. The leg...maybe not. It is severely injured from the shoulder, so the vet put him on steroids for pain and for swelling, and the baby is now in our home and? in our hearts. We shall see if the baby can heal with that leg...the hawk obviously had it by the leg. He eats like a trucker and meows for anything he wants, and just wants love and to purr with the loudest little voice, sleeping under my hair on my chest. No, my chest is not hairy, but I have kind of long hair and that is just the best nest for this baby, according to him. So that is my drama for the week!!
Any drama for you this week?? Hope everyone is doing fantastic!!
The last post's repro stack was won by Mary Jo Belk, by random drawing. I do not have your email address, Mary JO...can you please write to me? Thank you!!!
I had a chance to work on these 1/2 square triangle blocks. All solid fabrics. They were great fun to sew! More to come, now that I have triangulations and can make them more accurately.
Would anyone like some reproduction fabrics? This bundle was on the free table at guild, and I really would like someone to have it. Just leave a message, and if more than one person is interested, I will draw for it on Tuesday.
**********************Nurse's notes*************************
Our friend Angie made it to Cleveland!!! A long journey, but she is tough, and she made it there. A plan is being formulated about what are her next surgical steps for her heart. Your prayers worked!!! Thank you so much for them!!!!!!!!
Dear everyone,
I ask you to lift up our friend Angie. Many of you know her as the Threadcatcher. She is embarking a perilous land journey over many miles to Cleveland clinic.around 600 miles via emergency ambulance. Her heart cannot withstand the changes in altitude with care flight by air. I would love a thousand voices lifting her up in thought and prayer! Please stop what you are doing and do this, please. I pray for safety and strength for her journey. She is such a darling person. Thank you!
Thank you for your prayers for our Angie. Hospitals, doctors and surgeons are working out details to get her the care she needs!!
Angie S. has been a blogger for many, many years. Above is her blog link. Angie is an amazing quilter and lovely person, and we have been friends for lots of years...she is so easy to love!!! She also needs your prayers, and now. If you are not a praying person, please send some positive energy out into the universe for her!!
Angie had open heart surgery recently, and she did very well through it. She is tough, and that is no joke. A few weeks out from this, she had another heart attack, and she really did not realize it...and neither did her local doctors. She just knew she felt awful. One of her bypass grafts shut down, and also...she has developed a hole in-between the left and right ventricles of her heart. Now this particular problem is almost always fatal, immediately, for the adult person experiencing it, according to her cardiologist. BUT ANGIE SURVIVED IT!!!!!!!!!! Now? She is going to a world class, premier heart surgery center...to have her heart fixed again. This means probably another open heart surgery for her. She is a tiny thing...and I am asking for your support and prayers for her, please, please, please. Angie rocks it...tough as they come...but this is a hard and long road!!!
Thank you!!!!! I really appreciate you. Thank you!! Angie says I have permission to share this...
Hello! I finished the checkerboard border on this quilt. I am so glad, and now I just need to send it off to be quilted. It feels great to finish this one.
This quilt is together, also. I just need my borders, and it will go in the same package as the other one, to be quilted. The red is the backing.
Hope you are doing fantastic!!!
What are you working on today???
Onward!!! I am working frantically on the RWB quilt for my hubby, but I have to dust, honestly...it is needed!!!
Hope each of you is doing fantastic!
Hello!! I am off work today! I finished my children's quilt top today. I am packaging it up to be longarm quilted, then it will be shipped to Ukraine this fall. I loved making it!!
and below is her quilt for a girl. I just love them both!! Annie is a fast quilter!
I am off work for four whole days!!! Watch out, world, I am on the loose!!!
How are you doing? Working on something today?
Rainbow quilts!!! I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...