Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sampler quilts are simply so much fun!


I greatly enjoyed making each block for this quilt!!  Made with all reproduction fabrics, and a couple of orphan blocks, too...I love it!!  I am showing our lawn, hard pressed in these 100+ days of scorching heat.  

We are blessed now to have some 90 degree days!!  Hurrah!!!

Hope you are doing great, each of you!!  

***************************Nurse's Notes**************************

Our friend Angie made it through her SECOND open heart surgery!!!  I am so, so glad...she is taking time to heal and adjust to her new normal.  What an amazingly tough person!!!  All your prayers did all the good in the world!

Comments no longer go to my inbox again. Sigh...what now?  I changed nothing!!!!!!!!!



Nancy said...

What a great quilt, Julie. I like the mix of two sizes of blocks and your color choices are delightful.
I'm having the same problem with blogger. I can respond to comments on the blog, of course, but only to individuals if I already have their email addresses. It seems that may not have happened to all bloggers because you're the first one who's mentioned it. I don't understand why....
Hope you have a good week!

Robin said...

A delightful quilt. I agree, I love making sampler quilts.

Julierose said...

Just a lovely sampler quilt JulieK;))) You must have had a lot of fun trying each block.
Glad your friend made it through well hugs, Julierose

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Thrilled to hear about Angie! Continued prayers for her recovery

Anonymous said...

After seeing your sampler quilts, I tell myself that I need to try and make one. Your quilts are inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Nann said...

They turned out so well! Good news about your friend.

Lori said...

I adore your sampler quilt!
Great news about Angie.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Such WONDERFUL news about Angie! Yes, Sampler quilts ARE fun, and yours is amazing!

Binsa said...

Gorgeous quilt Julie.My thoughts for Angie.

Ryan D said...

Great blog postt

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...