Friday, December 8, 2023

Mystery quilt, clue number three

OH, for the glory of a day off work!!!  About is my starting point, clue three of the mystery quilt.  All the clues are here:

All of clue three is cut out and ready to go.  Here are my first four sets.  It is great fun and not too late to join in!!

I finished another block for Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gathering's quilt along.  The patterns are only free for a month.  I have it on my calendar to print the pattern out each month.  

This block holds a secret, though.  Under one of those pink flowers is a pin, that held the vine in place.  It is totally sewn in, now!!  I will wiggle it out, one way or another.

 Here is a picture of Lucky, our kitty, who grows about 2 inches in length per day.  Exaggerating?  Maybe a little bit...but wow, is he ever growing fast!!  He was 4 ounces when we found him.  6.5 pounds today, and 4.5 months old.  He is purring in my lap as I type.  He is the softest thing.

Have a great day, each of you!



abelian said...

It’s so nice to see an update on Lucky. My daughter has a cat who needs to sleep on her pillow every night. She rescued him from a swimming pool when he was a tiny kitten, after the lifeguard walked away, saying “I hate cats!” Is Lucky’s injured leg doing OK? However it turned out, he’s thriving. Dot

Janet O. said...

Good work on the mystery.
Lovely block for Lisa Bonjean's QAL. Really pretty color choices. Could you not just make a little slit in the back of the flower and slip the pin out?
Oh, Lucky is certainly thriving. I am glad he is a good companion.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely pic of Lucky, wonderful "melting" expression in his eyes. Does his injured paw bother him or does he just get on with things as if it's absolutely normal? I love it when cats curl up on my knee purring - real stress busters. I agree with Janet - slit the back and remove the pin - easy peasy. Elaine in UK

Janice said...

Your going great guns with your quilt alongs and Lucky seems to be thriving. Did his leg heal after his early ordeal?

Robin said...

Great progress on the mystery. I'm not doing it this year but I am following along and saving the patterns. That is a new one on me. . . appliqueing over a pin. The applique is lovely and I'm sure you'll figure something out. It looks like Lucky is the lucky one. What a sweet face.

Sherrill said...

Your Bonnie blocks look perfect and beautiful!!! The block with a pin is gorgeous, too!! That's crazy that kitten was only 4 oz. when you rescued him--such a lucky furball!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Sweet kittie
and go you on the clue - they are fun!!
your Applique block is so very pretty

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I, too, have completely encased a pin while appliqueing; you're not alone. Your precious kitty is adorable. I just love the challenge of a mystery quilt. Have fun!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Did you get the pin out? I bought a brand new hand made purse at the thrift store several years ago. I discovered that they had left a pin stitched in the purse (it kept sticking me the first time I used the purse). I did get it out. I'm almost done with Clue #4. I'm doing the paper piecing version, and I just need to trim the blocks and pull the papers out (more movie time while doing these last parts). Hopefully I'll be done tonight. Woohoo, I can't believe I'm keeping up. Talk about LOTS of blocks! Maybe I didn't read all the past mystery quilt clues well (this is the first one I've actually made), but I don't remember this many blocks each week. I'm not getting any other stitching done.

Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...