Thursday, May 30, 2019

Half Square Hootenanny!!!

 Well, well, well.  WELL!!!  I have saved every little triangle I have ever trimmed from a star, using the connector piecing method.  It is so totally out of hand, this saving of tiny pieces; it is crazy!!!    I made a few blocks, using some...
 But there are more....
 And more!!! I think this is all of them.
So...I got to work.  I trimmed one zillion half square triangles to two inches, squared up.  And...I have a zillion ideas to go along with those tiny blocks!!

How about this?  This uses 2 inch half square triangles...just the size you get when making those afore mentioned stars.  This is a free pattern, from Quiltville!!!  Please see


And while you are there, Bonnie has so graciously posted many, many free quilt patterns. Please see her blog...and if you are a scrappy quilter, Bonnie has written many, many books, using all those pretty scraps you just can't get rid of!!

What other ideas do you have for a 1/2 square triangle quilt??



Tired Teacher said...

I usually make pinwheels, but I love Bonnie's pattern.

WoolenSails said...

Love how you did the blocks with your scraps, you have a lot more patience than I do.


---"Love" said...

Patience, yes, and endurance, AND it will be beautiful! It is an amazing pattern! I have one like Bonnie's that my mother made in the 1940's, and scraps from my little robe with kittens fabric are in it. I love it! ---"Love"

Karen said...

I put together an Ocean Waves many years ago. It didn't lay flat when I got the top done. I did not keep it. I do love the design though. I was not using Bonnie's pattern.

Julierose said...

That Ocean waves is a gorgeous piece, isn't it? But it must take the patience of a Saint to get through it..hugs, Julierose

Libby in TN said...

I wonder how many of your readers know what a hootenanny is!

Loris said...

I have 3 collections of HST's leftover from other blocks. More ironing and I'll start figuring out what to do with them. The Ocean Waves would be wonderful. I love Bonnie's inspiration and she has a free shipping deal going on this weekend for any newbees that don't already have her books :-)

Lizzy D said...

Temecula Quilt Co is going to have a summer sewalong w hsts, a repro of a really intersteing CW patriotic crib quilt w flags.


Chantal said...

I too been collecting triangles and HSTs for "future" project and Ocean Wave is on my to-do list. It is an excellent pattern to burn up a tub or two of HSTs. What colour the centres?
Another one I love is Hovering Hawk, see it here
(i hope the link works)
or there's always the quilt I've named Hidden Gems, made with pinwheels as my RSC2015. (it's in My Quilts on my Pinterest)
and there's star quilt you could make. Check this one out
OMG Julie, you got me started. lol. If you need more ideas or if the links don't work let me know and I'll get your wheels rolling too. lol. ;^)

Chantal said...

P.S. There's also Lady of the Lake or Depression Block. Ok I'll stop now. ;^)

cspoonquilt said...

I love all of that Scrappy Play! My favorite thing to see and do! Play on!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...