Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dearest Boy update

Good morning to you!!  Here is out latest "Dearest Boy" block.  I absolutely love this one.  It all fit well in the size of block it was supposed to fir into, and was an absolute joy to stitch.  Hurrah!!!  It took me about the same time to prep as it did to stitch, for a total of three hours of work.  

Can you see the waviness?  It is caused by the tons of applique, drawing in the middle, I think.  All the sides are the right size, so this waviness will quilt out, and I might block it carefully to square it up.  

Please see these quilters, as they are also working on these blocks.  

Cathy:  Big Lake Quilter
Julie:  Juliekquilts (me)
Carole: Wheels on the Warrandyte bus
Doreen:  Aunt Reen's Place

I hope you have an amazing, joyful day today!



Tired Teacher said...

It's a lovely block. I can see why you enjoyed making it.

Cathy said...

Your block looks great. I did mine as a square. I just posted. Hugs

Julierose said...

this is so gorgeous--I think any quilting will take care of the minimal waviness--(which i wouldn't have even noticed until you mentioned it lol)
Nice job hugs, Julierose

---"Love" said...

A great job on a beautiful block! Wish I could do applique even half as well. ---"Love"

Robin said...

Such a cute block. Nice job!


Yes I agree-- a real pretty block and it does look like it was fun to stitch--
luv, di

Karen said...

I find that doing the latice strips tends to draw the fabric up in that area. I had that problem on another block. I thought her instructions lacked a bit in how to accomplish the layout for the grid work. And it did take time to prep and stitch.

I like your heart in the middle. I opted not to put anything there. I was going to do a broderie perse flower but, even though small in size, it seemed to overwhelm the center section. Good job, Julie.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Cute little heart in the middle! Very pretty! You ladies are doing some great appllique!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...