Friday, February 1, 2019


 I finished all the blocks for my limey green string quilt!  So fun, and so fast...if you have never tried string quilts, this might be your new favorite thing, ever!

Here is how is goes together.  A comment about that very dark green strip, that almost looks black.  That little piece is one of the last pieces of an Easter dress that my momma made me, as a child.  It had a satin pinafore, and a velvet skirt...dark green velvet.  I felt like a princess on Easter, when the ladies all dressed up and wore their over-the-top Easter bonnets, way back in the day.  So...that is why it is included in this tactile and soft.  I love it!!
 And here is all the strings that are left!!  I used almost every one, and will use these all up in the border.
Here is another row on this rainbow this!!!!  ON we go!!

I am linking to Lori, at Humble quilts...just go and see all those lovely string quilts going on!!

Have an amazing day!



Quilting Babcia said...

I love your strings, a perfect St. Patricks Day and spring quilt!

Katie said...

I will freely admit I am not a lover of string quilts. Particularly the making them part. But seeing this and how you sashed it has me wondering I'd maybe I should change my mind...its beautiful and wonderful and I love it!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh I am loving it! that star in the sashing just makes it all Pop!!

Kyle said...

Fabulous strings. The setting is one that coordinates with the string blocks so well.

Chantal said...

Whoa!! I. SO. LOVE. THIS. STRING. QUILT! You come up with the most awesome sashing ever. I want to know your secret, please! You got a knack for that! Fabulous! ;^)

WoolenSails said...

Love that string quilt, really fun colors too.
Your rainbow quilt looks like another beautiful quilt in the making.


Janet O. said...

I just went to a theater performance of the Wizard of Oz last night and I still say that quilt would be right at home in the Emerald City! It is wonderful!
And your orange star blocks are so very happy looking. :)

---"Love" said...

Green is not usually one of my favorite colors, but your green string quilt has turned out fantastic! How special it is that it has a strip from one of your favorite childhood dresses!
What a wonderful memory to include in your quilt! ---"Love"

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Love the string quilt with the Stars.

Lori said...

What a lovely string green!! How fun to use your clothing scraps!!

Paulette said...

This is beautiful, and how cool you used the green velvet string from your childhood dress! Love how the sashing makes the stars.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

My grandmother made me a lovely green and white Easter dress one year. Thanks for the memories.

QuiltGranma said...

an ingenious way to sash these string blocks! will have to try this!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I think this sashing detail is brilliant! I love to sew string blocks. You can sew really fast :)

Karen said...

I can see why you are running out of green strings!

Susan said...

Love the colour theme and how you joined them

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...