Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Old becomes new...a Valentine's quilt!

 Well, after a lot of consideration, and by the way,  THANK YOU for all your helpful comments!  I just put the blocks I had, which were the same size, together like this.  Because of the hearts, and the color, and the time of the year, I am pronouncing it a Valentine's day quilt.  I had no more of the red fabric that the setting squares were made of, so I used a red print I had for the border.
Here are the leftover, different sized blocks. I drew the primitive looking ones myself. Haha...no artist here!  I can do primitive well, because...I am a bit primitive in my drawing skills!!  This was many years ago that I drew them...maybe I could be better now.

I really appreciate all your help...thank you so much!!

Have a great day,



Rose Marie said...

Perfect! Just in time for Valentine's Day.

Jennifer Robert said...

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Chantal said...

Great job, Julie. ;^)

Suzanne said...

Oh Julie, I always love seeing your projects. You have such a deep “stash” of projects and share them with such enthusiasm. Your positive outlook is refreshing. I’ll look forward to seeing where the leftover 3 blocks land! Suzanne

Tammy said...

Love it!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Looks like you have a scammer on your comments!

I like what you did with the little blocks - very pretty!

Kyle said...

A sweet quilt for the holiday.

julieQ said...

I am leaving the above spam post from Mrs. Jane Harold, above, just because I would like to call them later to see what is what. Why am I getting these spam comments? Anyone know how I can get rid of them?? Thank you!!!

Lori said...

What a sweet red and white quilt! I've been getting random spam too and just click on them as spam and hope blogger drops in the spam file next time.

Janet O. said...

Very cute use of your stitched blocks.
I do what Lori does with the spam comments.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute! Now you can make an Angel mini with that leftover block.

Quilter Kathy said...

Well done! Happy Valentine's Day!

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