Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Scraps are simply lovely!!

Today, I have been sorting and culling and organizing, cleaning windows, scrubbing know how it goes!!  I found this little quilt, above...I just love it.  All tiny scraps, all of it.  I think I need to re-create it, bigger, bed sized!!!  

And that, my friends, is how startitis gets started in the first place, LOL!!!!

Have a super day!



Janet O. said...

It is adorable, Julie! How large is it?
It would look great in bed size, too. Knowing you, it will be made soon. :)

Sherrill said...

NO! I don't know how all that goes..can you come show me?!! HA You're Wonder Woman for SURE!

Vesuviusmama said...

My startitis starts by visiting your blog and getting so inspired! It's lovely!

Tired Teacher said...

That would definitely be a fabulous bed-sized quilt.

WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful quilt and would be beautiful in a bed size.


---"Love" said...

That's my favorite star pattern, and your quilt is really pretty. I love those circling flying geese too! ---"Love"

Lori said...

Have a great day! That is a cute quilt!

Anonymous said...

Coming to blogs like yours gives me so many ideas and my list of to-do quilts gets longer. Great quilt and now I need to start planning on what size I want to make. Thanks for sharing.

loulee said...

It is a very cute quilt!!

Chantal said...

That's an ADOOOORRRRAAAABLE scrappy mini! Yep, you do need to make another one, bigger for sure. It'll be like the Mama and the baby. Cute! ;^)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Pretty Star Block quilt!

Kyle said...

Super cute. Your scraps seem to always come together is a special way.

KaHolly said...

There you go being a motivator again!

Barb said...

great quilt The Flying Geese are just wonderful!

audrey said...

Oh yes! The good ideas are never-ending.:)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a cute little quilt. Yes, it would make a great bed size quilt. Have fun starting....

Lizzy D said...

Adorable, scraps and all! Don't forget to come by my blog and put in your name for my bag of scraps giveaway, you were my inspiration and possible one of the few who might give the bitsies a second chance.


gone to the beach

Quilter Kathy said...

That is exactly how it starts! A bit of inspiration, some creative thoughts, a few pretty scraps and we're off working on a new project!

sandi s said...

I love it, it’s beautiful! Hugs,

Mystery quilt and more

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