Saturday, February 9, 2019

An old, old project

 The above blocks are red work.  I had intended to set them together like this.  I have more red work blocks, but I accidentally, way back when, cut them smaller than these.  So...I guess that is where I stalled out. Anyway, I was thinking I could maybe finish this into something....this quilt was way before the blog, so at least 12-15 years old.
I also made another block, so I am current, for Pat Sloan's Space quilt.  Hurrah!!!

I hope each of you has a wonderful night, and that you have had some fun quilting time!!!



Janet O. said...

Could you border the smaller blocks? There must be some way to make them play nicely together.

Libby in TN said...

I was thinking like Janet, maybe border the smaller blocks in red. Your blue blocks afre looking good.

Joyce Carter said...

I agree with Janet. I think maybe you could put a border on the smaller blocks to make all of them the same size. I love the blocks and they would make a beautiful quilt.

Chantal said...

Too bad for the smaller blocks. I'm with Janet too. If the difference is too small to add a decent border, how about bunching them up in the middle to make a medallion? I don't know how many you have so I'm just saying. Good luck with the red work. I know you will come up with something. Love the blue blocks. ;^)

---"Love" said...

I agree; just border the smaller blocks. Both your blue blocks are pretty, but the smaller one is my favorite. I love how your placement of fabrics makes the center block seem to be 'floating' inside the outer 'ribbon'. ---"Love"

Ann said...

Good for you to take an oldie and finish it! I like the idea of adding borders. Can’t wait to see how it turns out

Vivian said...

My first thought was also to border the smaller redwork blocks but I love Chantal's idea of grouping a set of them too! Maybe creating one larger central medallion block and then surrounding that with your chain blocks and the other redwork blocks? That is what's so great about quilting, nothing's ever the "wrong size", they are just new design opportunities!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Lots of great recommendations! Adding a small border to make the the right size and then make them the Medallion and a border to stop all and then add to it would make it pretty!

Of course if you do not want to do that work, make a pillow cover, or a computer cover out of them.

Nice work on the BOM from Pat!

Karen said...

I was thinking the same as Janet O about whether bordering the smaller blocks would work in your design somehow. Also, if you have background fabric that is the same, you could just add to the blocks.

Quilter Kathy said...

I was thinking that you could make the smaller blocks a bit bigger by adding a tiny sashing with little red cornerstones and it might make a wonderful unique design in with the bigger blocks?!

Quilter Kathy said...

Ohhh I just read Chantal's comment... great idea... group the smaller blocks into a centre medallion and then put the larger blocks and red chain blocks around the medallion... we are full of great ideas!!

cspoonquilt said...

I've been thinging about using that setting for my Blue work blocks. It is a really nice set for embroidered blocks!

Mystery quilt and more

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