Monday, February 18, 2019

A little piecing, or...little piecing!

 I have cut a lot of these blocks out, and since the color for February, according to the rainbow challenge is Yellow, well...that is the color I am working with.
 I have more blocks cut out, but got tired of piecing, and had to fold laundry know about the beep beep of the dryer!!  These are little blocks...I think 3.5 inch finished.
I made some yellow wonky stars too!!  I have all the colors cut out for the year, so now I just get to have the fun of piecing them according to the colors selected for each month.

I think I have the comments thing straightened out, at least I pray I do...thank you, each of  you, so very much for helping me and commenting.  I surely appreciate every one of you, so much.  You are very special to me!!  Forgive me for not answering comments the last little while...I try to answer every comment that comes through the email.



Janet O. said...

Those little blocks are so cute. And I love the wonky stars--they really seem to twinkle.

AnnieO said...

Nice bright colors for wintry days! I hope you enjoy all the fruits of your big cutting sessions.

The comments thing and all the changes Google is making to Blogger are depressing. I fear many people will just stop blogging. But not me!

Mama Joan said...

I use Blogger, too. How did you add the “subscribe by email” box? Any help is appreciated.

Tired Teacher said...

It can be frustrating to find a solution to Blogger issues. Love the wonky star blocks.

audrey said...

Blogger is often very frustrating. Just more frustrating to think of having to learn something new if we change over! lol Love those sweet little yellow blocks. They remind me of daffodils.

Shelina said...

Your yellow blocks are cute. Any progress is good progress.

Karen said...

Yummy yellow. This is my first day to be at the sewing machine in three days. Feels good. I did do a bit of handwork last evening.

Chantal said...

Wow! You did some damage to the yellow scrap bin I hope, with all the little yellow blocks? Either way, it's a great job you've done. Love the wonky star. I have to do that one eventually. ;^)

Lori said...

Yay for yellow! Such a happy color that reminds me of the sun.
Google needs to leave things alone! LOL

Ann said...

Love the wonky star blocks! Yellow was a great color for February’s RSC Challenge.

Nines said...

Love how sunny it is. We could use a little sunny up here!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...