Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Scraps are simply lovely!!

Today, I have been sorting and culling and organizing, cleaning windows, scrubbing know how it goes!!  I found this little quilt, above...I just love it.  All tiny scraps, all of it.  I think I need to re-create it, bigger, bed sized!!!  

And that, my friends, is how startitis gets started in the first place, LOL!!!!

Have a super day!


Monday, February 18, 2019

A little piecing, or...little piecing!

 I have cut a lot of these blocks out, and since the color for February, according to the rainbow challenge is Yellow, well...that is the color I am working with.
 I have more blocks cut out, but got tired of piecing, and had to fold laundry know about the beep beep of the dryer!!  These are little blocks...I think 3.5 inch finished.
I made some yellow wonky stars too!!  I have all the colors cut out for the year, so now I just get to have the fun of piecing them according to the colors selected for each month.

I think I have the comments thing straightened out, at least I pray I do...thank you, each of  you, so very much for helping me and commenting.  I surely appreciate every one of you, so much.  You are very special to me!!  Forgive me for not answering comments the last little while...I try to answer every comment that comes through the email.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

A test post...

I am just trying to see if I can get comments back to my email.  I changed the settings, as Lori of Humble quilts suggested.

Hope each of you is having a lovely, wonderful day!!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Dearest Boy update!

So....hahaha!  I went with something a little bit different.  I tried to make the original pattern, but on my block, the circles around the little hen with her wormy breakfast was a bit distracting.  So...I put my time into doing some extra embroidery and things to make that little hen a little special!!!  This block needs a good pressing!

Please see all the quilters making this fun quilt!!!

Please help me, if you can. My comments are no longer, again, going to my email.  Why?  Please help this technically inept quilter.  boohoo!!


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Old becomes new...a Valentine's quilt!

 Well, after a lot of consideration, and by the way,  THANK YOU for all your helpful comments!  I just put the blocks I had, which were the same size, together like this.  Because of the hearts, and the color, and the time of the year, I am pronouncing it a Valentine's day quilt.  I had no more of the red fabric that the setting squares were made of, so I used a red print I had for the border.
Here are the leftover, different sized blocks. I drew the primitive looking ones myself. artist here!  I can do primitive well, because...I am a bit primitive in my drawing skills!!  This was many years ago that I drew them...maybe I could be better now.

I really appreciate all your help...thank you so much!!

Have a great day,


Saturday, February 9, 2019

An old, old project

 The above blocks are red work.  I had intended to set them together like this.  I have more red work blocks, but I accidentally, way back when, cut them smaller than these.  So...I guess that is where I stalled out. Anyway, I was thinking I could maybe finish this into something....this quilt was way before the blog, so at least 12-15 years old.
I also made another block, so I am current, for Pat Sloan's Space quilt.  Hurrah!!!

I hope each of you has a wonderful night, and that you have had some fun quilting time!!!


Friday, February 8, 2019

A few blocks!

 These blocks are for the Meeting House sampler.  I added the top right block today.
 This Tiny Tuesday was yellow nine patch day, so I made these blocks...
And I am making some star blocks.

And that is all, folks!

Grocery shopping, cooking, laundry and cleaning took the bulk of the day.  And oh yes, I made some cookies to take to work.  Those kiddos (read nurses at least 30 years younger than I am) sure love home baked things...


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Some progress...Ode to the 1930's!

 Lori Holt has a quilt along going block patterns, featuring her own fabrics. I officially caught up today!  and then she posted another on it goes!!  Go check out  Bee in my Bonnet!!
 I  like these little babies...
 Just another progress picture.

 Pretty star!!

1930's fabrics are special, aren't they?  I have a very few feed sacks from that era and will use a few precious pieces in this quilt.  My mom was a teenager in the 1930's and grew up with all the deprivation and strife that was in that era.  Frugal...yes!  and that is passed on through generations.

Speaking of that, Liz D of Gone to the Beach blog, had a very thoughtful comment, that got me to thinking.  She said there is such an emphasis on using scraps, that lovely new yardage does not get used.  I pondered that, because as you know, I love scraps!!  Love them...

But I think there is a balance to be found, with using our new pretty fabrics too.  Thus, the above blocks are not made from scraps!!  Real 1930's fabrics (reproductions)...and a few real ones.

Do you have any thoughts about this?  I just thought it was fun to think hard about this comment, and evaluate my practice!
My flowers are confused again, for they are blooming like crazy...sigh...

and it is freezing tonight, about 24 degrees, according to the weather lady.

Hugs to all from Julie

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Might as well join in....IN THEM ALL!!

 Lori Holt, of Bee in my Bonnet, is having a vintage quilt along, honoring her grandmother.  Here is my first block...for of course, I think I have to join in EVERYTHING this year.  I was very, very impressed with her instructions and wit...she is really good.  This is a 12 inch block.

You can find the blocks, so far, here...

 Pat Sloan is just happy...and she makes fun quilt-alongs, too.  So...this is my first block for her quilt along, and you can find her site along here:

 Cheryl, of Teapots to quilting, tuned me in to a Bible quilt along, starting with Genesis.  I made the first two blocks of that quilt too.   The pale teal one is quite pretty, but the light floral is fragile, and I may have to do this one again.   Thank you dear Cheryl!!!  Her blog is here, and the block link is below.  Cheryl is an awesome quilter!

 The rainbow color of this month is I tried to remember if I had made yellow birds, and I had...I like those buddies!!!
Last but not least...Temecula quilt company is also having a quilt along!!!  Every Wednesday, you are supposed to make a dozen of this block, I think...totally doable, by the way.  They are super fast!!!

Whew!  I think that is it for now...really.


Friday, February 1, 2019


 Years ago, I made this green quilt top, from a magazine pattern, I think.
 Feathered star...
 Itty bitty applique and one inch triangles; quarter inch wide borders...

I have yet to quilt it, and always thought I would have it machine quilted, but maybe I will try to hand quilt it.  It takes me a good forever, though...

Just musing here, but I am finding, looking back, that I was really after the most demanding and challenging patterns I could find, back then.  I relished it!  When I look at my work now, it is pretty dumbed down, in my opinion.  What happened?

Am I just older...or did the scraps take over?  When did I get on the track of more is better??  I find great joy in what I do, don't get me wrong...

Any thoughts?
I made more blocks for the Meeting House sampler quilt...loving these!!



 I finished all the blocks for my limey green string quilt!  So fun, and so fast...if you have never tried string quilts, this might be your new favorite thing, ever!

Here is how is goes together.  A comment about that very dark green strip, that almost looks black.  That little piece is one of the last pieces of an Easter dress that my momma made me, as a child.  It had a satin pinafore, and a velvet skirt...dark green velvet.  I felt like a princess on Easter, when the ladies all dressed up and wore their over-the-top Easter bonnets, way back in the day.  So...that is why it is included in this tactile and soft.  I love it!!
 And here is all the strings that are left!!  I used almost every one, and will use these all up in the border.
Here is another row on this rainbow this!!!!  ON we go!!

I am linking to Lori, at Humble quilts...just go and see all those lovely string quilts going on!!

Have an amazing day!


Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...