Tuesday, November 27, 2018

This one is not on the list...but I love it!!

Slowly, this quilt is coming together.  I am using orphan blocks, some newly made blocks, and imagination...and a picture from Randy's blog.

I try and post when I have made some progress...a lot of years ago, we wanted to know about process...so that is why I post not only finishes, but along the sewing road as well.


I am trying to work on it in between cleaning, holiday preparations and cooking...and the ever present laundry.

This has made me realize just how many orphan blocks I have...so I gathered them all up, separated them by size...and off I went!!!  I am sure I have enough blocks for another quilt...just not Americana style.

I hope you have a great day, today!!!  That mystery quilt is still calling to me!!



Janet O. said...

I remember the "process" movement, and I think it is still important. If we only posted finishes, I would hardly ever post, and I learn so much more when I read about the processes of others! :)
This is coming together beautifully. But then, it is always a beautiful thing to give orphans of any sort a good home! You are doing it well here.
I don't have a lot of orphan blocks--I think I sent the few I had to Randy a few years ago. I have accumulated a handful since then--nowhere near what you apparently have! LOL

Randy D. said...

Oh Julie, it's looking great. I love that you're posting the progress.
I agree with you-- and I have a pile of orphan blocks (including ones from Janet O) which I should put together!

---"Love" said...

I really enjoy seeing your progress, and the AMERICA column makes it very special, tying all the orphans together so well! Maybe I'd get more quilting done if I tried posting about my progress than just my finishes, which have been few this past year. Next year needs to be better! ---"Love"

Julierose said...

what a great use of orphan blocks--these look so lovely together--nice work...hugs, Julierose
P.S. going to start another teeny log cabin with so really old Santa fabric I happened upon on Etsy..Can't wait...hugs, julierose

Karrin Hurd said...

Great work using the orphan blocks!

KaHolly said...

It’s looking fantastic! Such a great idea. It will take me forever and a day to round up all my orphan blocks......I’m not very organized, but don’t tell anyone!

cityquilter grace said...

looks beautiful...i too have orphan blocks but not all color coordinated i'm afraid...thanks for the inspiration!

Tired Teacher said...

I like what you're doing with the "orphans."

Rose Marie said...

A great way to use up those orphans.

Leeanne said...

A lovely eclectic mix of blocks....it works! Kiwi Quilty Hugs from me!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...