Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Technical difficulties.

 This is a little early, but I am posting because I am frustrated.  This block is for our ongoing project, "Dearest Boy."  I made the hexagon blocks EXACTLY the size of the pattern provided.
 This is the pattern page.  The four hexie blocks are supposed to fit within the block size, as pictured in the pattern.
 This is the pattern page.  I made the hexies EXACTLY the size of the pattern...hope you can see my yellowish hexie...the right size.

BUT the hexie block just won't FIT IN THE 10.5 INCH BLOCK, which is EXACTLY the right size!!!

Here is one block.  I guess I will just try to make something out of just one of them, in the square.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how this went wrong?

Thanks for listening...but these have taken me a long time and I will not have time to make another block by the date it is due...grrrrr!!



Carole~Quilter on the hill said...

Oh no!!!! So sorry your beautiful hexies don't fit, how frustrating for you!! Glad I haven't started mine, I'll have to see what size hexie will fit. Would be good if you contacted the designer.

Nancy said...

I can't tell from your post how much too big they are, Julie, but I wonder if the pattern includes the 1/4" for turn-under or not. Perhaps you could make them a little smaller and have a little border of white around the edge of the block? It can be so frustrating when we follow a pattern and it doesn't work. I'm sorry that's happened to you.

Lori said...

That is frustrating! Sorry!

Janet O. said...

Oh, wow--maddening!
I enlarged the instruction page and it sounds like the template is the size of the finished hexagon. I wonder if anyone else will post about having had the same problem?

Libby in TN said...

Your orientation is off. See if they will fit if you turn them so that points rather than straight sides of the hexies line up with the edges of the background block.

Libby in TN said...

Never mind. I just realized it won't make a difference!!!

Rose Marie said...

Why not make a snowflake out of the extra bits. Just add another hexie to each end and viola .... a snowflake will help to fill in the empty space.

Karen said...

Well, Julie, I think maybe Janet is right. The hexie is the size of the section with seam allowances on it. I think the designer does hand piecing and not hexagon papers as most people would. But even patterns meant for hand piecing don't include the seam allowance on them.
I tried laying the rosettes on the 10 inch block space the way Libby said to and they still don't fit.

KaHolly said...

How frustrating! Hope you figure it out!

Cathy said...

I had the same problem. It's not the first time this has happened with this pattern. I'm going with one Hexie flower. Hugs, Cathy

Anonymous said...

I love, love the Dearest Boy quilt. However, I have discovered the instructions on a number of the blocks are just off. Even though I am an experienced quilter, I'm having to do major adjustments after tearing out my hair. Sorry your blocks didn't fit. Terry

Tired Teacher said...

Aargh! My guess is the error was made when the hexie was copied on the original pattern page. I bet it was larger than 100%

Anonymous said...

Measure the length of one side of the hexagon, Julie. If it is more than 3/4" ( or the diameter of the hexagon is more than 1 1/2"), there is no way 4 rings are going to fit on a 10" finished square,

Barb said...

Truly frustrating for sure...wish I could help.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I can understand your frustration! I like the solution you all came up with.

Sherrill said...

Stuff like that usually just makes me wanna wad it up and throw it across the room (I know that doesn't help but it's what I'd do!! LOL). ARRGGHH!!

Tine said...

Hello from Belgium,I made this block without
problems. Turn your hexies left and it's ok.
My top is finish and I hand quilted.

julieQ said...

Tine, I did put them both ways, of course, as the pattern was laid out. They did NOT fit.

Just Ducky said...

Have you turned under a seam allowance?

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh dear... that is so frustrating!

Charlotte said...

Perhaps when the page was duplicated, it was reproduced at more than 100%. Just a thought. I am usually clueless about why things go wrong=

Anonymous said...

Today, I received an e-mail via Etsy conversations from Jean Cerbone for the amended size for the hexagon.
Carole Y

Good morning!

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