Monday, November 19, 2018

Paradise, and a chance to help

I am down to sewing the large cream colored triangles onto the will go in a hurry, now.  These blues are so soothing, and the fabrics are my old friends.  I do not have many of these blues anymore, having been all used up in quilts over the years.  I think I have more than eighty blocks, now!!  All those bias edges...yikes!

I am sure that many of you have heard of the devastating fires in California, of late.  I heard an interview with the mayor of Paradise, California, which was over 90 percent burned to the ground.  Elderly people are living in tents in the Walmart parking get how absolutely devastating this is, and is still ongoing.  Many are reaching out to help, and at the forefront, are our beloved quilters.  Quilters are just the nicest, best people.  Below are a couple opportunities for you to help, if you can, with this hard hit community.

Lori blogs here:

Lynn blogs here:

Thank you so much for taking a look to see what we can do, together.

***********************Nurse's notes*******************************


Settle is a bit of a story.

I have been pretty sick with a cold/flu thing, for the last couple of weeks.  Good news is, I lost 6 pounds!  So now that I am feeling a bit better, I thought I would go get a hamburger at Kincaid's.  It was delicious!!!

On the way back, we were buzzing down the road, and there was an elderly lady, pushing a wheelchair, with a suitcase in it, and a pair of crutches, struggling along the sidewalk.   Tears were streaming down her face, and it was obvious she was struggling.  She had one of those blue soft casts on her right leg.

We went for a bit, then I hollered..."turn around!!"  We went back and I hopped out, and with my best and brightest nurse's smile...said, "Hey, can I help you?"  She just dissolved in tears...had apparently been walking back from the hospital, where she had a broken bone in her foot!  Yes, the same one she was gimping along on!!  The hospital was a long ways back...miles, in fact.

I asked her how far she had to go, and she said, not far now...past the park.  So I just got her in her wheelchair, thinking it was not far and starting pushing her and carrying her stuff.  I thought it was just a couple blocks, so thought it would be not far...our truck was full of stuff and so I could not fit everything she had in there.


We went a few blocks, then she said, it is not far, went a few more blocks, me pushing the wheelchair, and dear husband following along behind, and then it was a mile or more...and then she said through the park, so off we went...long story short, it was a LONG walk, LOL!!! about two miles? I got her close to her home, and by that time, it was obvious that she didn't want me to know where exactly that she lived, and that she had even more obvious mental illness, as well as physical ailments.   She was quite dirty and ill kept, and just skinny and sad.  Talked a mile a minute, kind of word salad, as some mental patients do.

AND THEN!  she said she was fine to go the rest of the way.  I think she maybe lived in that park, in retrospect!!!

Dear husband was frantic by that point, because he didn't know where I was, pushing a wheelchair through a not-too-safe urban park...and then two cop cars showed up!!  They actually were driving through the park.  Since the lady had gone on, they offered to take me back to the the way, they were just kids!  Early twenties...don't I sound old??

So they put me in the back OF THE COP CAR!!!  Ha!!!  So now I have been in the back of a police car!!  It was weird...can't open the windows or doors...slick, no upholstery.  Just weird, I tell you!!  Such kind policemen, both of them.

He got me back to the truck, the lady was OK, and I have a story to tell.  And that is the end!!! Well not quite the end...the police helped with a social services referral for the lady, which I think was really needed.


Have a great day, all!!



Janet O. said...

More than 80 blocks?!? That is going to be quite a quilt!
I had just read those two posts earlier this evening and was trying to decide the best way I could help. There are so many needs to meet!
I am not at all surprised you went back to help that woman. Just what I would expect you to do. And I am glad to hear that woman will be getting a referral for help! So many people slip through the cracks these days.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Julie!

GO STARS! said...

I love the blues in your quilt. So peaceful. What a story! You were so kind to stop to help. So many people would have driven on by. God needed you to be his angel in caring for her.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your blues are going to make up into a fabulous quilt. I've also read both of those blogs with help opportunities for Paradise, and am passing the info on to our quilt ministry members. I hope that woman you helped will find the assistance she truly needs before Thanksgiving, a warm home and good food will go a long way in her healing. Bless you for taking care of her when she needed help.

Karen said...

All those blue and white triangles. I like what you have in the works.

You took a chance on picking up that lady. I am glad it all turned out good.

Tired Teacher said...

Bless you! I don't know many people who would have helped that poor soul.

Lori said...

You are so sweet! Too sweet to ride int he back of a police car! LOL I hope they get her some help, so sad.

Thanks for spreading the word about Paradise help!!

Loris said...

Fun times! You know how to live wild :-) I'm so glad you could help the lady and that the police could take it a bit further. Thanks for the shout out for helping Paradise. The fires all over California are heart breaking.

Lynn said...

Thank you so much for your post and directing people my way.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Lynn @ Sew'n wild oaks

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your a criminal now - ha ha!! That was so lovely of you to help her, even if she didn't really want you to know where she lived. I bet you were the bright spot in her day! and your quilt - beautiful!

Randy D. said...

what a great story about the poor woman in the wheelchair. Of course you stopped to help her.
I'd expect nothing less, as Janet O. said.
And your husband is obviously a good sport since he went along with the program.
Hope you have a great holiday!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad you could help the lady.

Sherrill said...

What a crazy mess you got yourself into! HA I don't ever want to be in the back of a cop car since I have no idea who was in there before me!! UGH! Glad you're better now!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...