Monday, November 5, 2018

A gift!

 Deanna, who blogs HERE:  gifted some blocks to me...a long time ago!  She challenged me to make a quilt with all those blocks!  I am finding myself using them to make a variety of quilts...and it is so much fun!  About are her house blocks. I squared them up, and have an idea to finish this small quilt, above.  I like those arrows!!
 Deanna sent five of these blocks, and three went into this table runner.
 All these above blocks will go into my row by row vertical quilt, that Randy at inspired me to make.
And now for this.  I made these blocks a lot of years ago...I can tell by the calicoes and such in them.  I found enough pieces cut out to make 80 blocks...a big quilt!  So I have been sewing on it...I feel so virtuous!  A true UFO!!!  Whoop!!!

Whoop for me!!  Out loud...I dare you!!

Hugs, Julie


Tired Teacher said...

Whoop, whoop! I love what you've got planned for the blocks - have fun.

---"Love" said...

What you are doing with all the gifted blocks looks great! I have a name for the house and arrow blocks: "Headin' Out of Town". (Yeah, I know; I'm crazy!) ---"Love"

Quilting Babcia said...

So fun to find the old UFO's and actually finish them, and what a treat to have all those gifted blocks to play with. You're having fun!

Quilter Kathy said...

Whoop whoop... out loud and proud of you!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I yelled a double 'Whoop' for you!

Janet O. said...

Wasn't hard for me to whoop out loud for you--I am home alone at the moment. :)
Don't you feel extremely smug when you make such great quilty things from someone's cast-offs? Maybe that is just me, but I find it feels so satisfying.
Love that runner!
You are making 80 of those last blocks?!? You are going to be busy at the machine! Are they all in blues, or a variety of colors?

KaHolly said...

Here’s MY 'whoop'! Great use of those gifted blocks! Good for you for pulling out a UFO to finish up! That’s a lot of sewing, but you can do it! I have a UFO laid out on my design floor too, from gifted fabric pieces. I know I won’t have time to finish it before I go, but at least I’ll make some progress on it.

Nines said...

Did you hear my whoop? I love finding old projects and working on them. It's like a head start you don't remember making. Fun!

gayle said...

Whoop and woohoo! (I just scared the cat...)

audrey said...

So much fun! I've done challenges like that through the year, and it is a bit of a rush to make something good with someone else's castoffs! Whoop, whoop!

Chantal said...

WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOP! WHOOPY! (I don't care. I'm alone in the house at the moment, haha) Lovely blocks. I am sure they will all end up in lovely quilts. Love the arrows too. ;^)

Lori said...

Whoop! Whoop! Way to use the orphan blocks!!

sanpiseth40 said...

I love your posts and everything looks wonderful. I love your idea thanks for sharing.

Angie said...

I love those houses and those arrows!! I have a thing for both of those. :)

Deanna said...

They look wonderful! What a good job you are doing of making it work! Can't wait to see next steps.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...