Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Just a day late and a dollar short...or five blocks short, LOL!  I have used all the pieces I had cut out, so long ago, in making these blocks.  So, it will be short work to makes another five blocks, now that I am in practice!  I am being careful to not tug on the bias edges.

 I am making blocks and using other orphan blocks to make this strip quilt.  I absolutely love it!

This is the muse...the picture that Randy shared on her blog.

Randy blogs here:

****************************Nurse's Notes***********************

I work tomorrow, which is Thanksgiving in the USA.  I wish every one of you an amazing holiday and lovely time...and eat a lot of turkey for me!!  I made one today, so I have lots of leftovers!!!  What is your thanksgiving go to food...what do you love to eat on this day????  What are you thankful for?

I am so grateful for all the blessings in my life, and you are all high on my list!





Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful quilts in progress! Happy Thanksgiving and hope work goes smoothly for you.

Janet O. said...

The blue quilt is calming to me, in spite of the busy design.
I loved that quilt Randy posted, too. The difference between us is that you actually do something about it.
I'd have to say the pie is my favorite (though I do enjoy the turkey, too). I have a pear pie cooling on a rack and a pecan pie in the oven. I'd love to make a mixed berry and a chocolate cream and a pumpkin, too, but I was only asked to bring one--so I'm bringing two. LOL
Tomorrow I will throw the stuffing ingredients together (prepped them all today) and bake that, and then mix up the herbed green beans and get them cooking. That is all I have to provide this year. I got off easy. :)
I know you will be spreading cheer at work. Your patients are very lucky!

dortha said...

I love that blue quilt. I know it makes do you feel good to use all that beautiful blue and not let it go to waste. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

I hope your floor at work won’t be too hard on this holiday. It’s so very cold here in NY that I worry about people and pets being outside in it.
Too cold too soon. I am grateful to have a warm sturdy home after seeing so much devastation in California. Thank you for your blog. Kathy

Sherrill said...

More pretty quilts getting wrapped up! You're a quilt machine. I'm trying a new turkey recipe on the family today (it got nearly all 5 stars on so will letcha know). Two of our must have, a little odd foods we have to have are homemade egg noodles (don't know how that got on the menu but it's ALWAYS good!) and popovers!Happy Thanksgiving Julie

Loris said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Julie. I hope it's a good day at the hospital. I used to work a lot of Thanksgivings. We'd bring in treats and cheer ourselves and the patients as best we could. It usually worked and turned out to be a good day :-)
I love the new row quilt! And yay! for getting that beautiful blue pushing for a finish!

Tired Teacher said...

I'm thankful today for those who work on this holiday, especially nurses, doctors, firefighters, and law enforcement. God bless everyone of them!

Sue SA said...

Looking good, love this pattern!

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving to you and your family. My favorite foods were made my mom's mother. She made homemade noodles with chicken that I used like gravy over mashed potatoes, her lemon meringue
pie. I like your blue quilt, but the scrappy orphan block is inspiring to me. I love scrappy quilts. Thanks for sharing.

---"Love" said...

That blue quilt is going to be very beautiful! I'm thankful that I'm surrounded by loving family and lots of friends! I'm also thankful that in spite of my age and health problems, I'm able to still live in my home and pretty much take care of myself, even though I'm depending more and more on my son and close friends. Couldn't make it without them! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving; I certainly did! My DIL cooks the best turkey I've ever eaten! ---"Love"

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Enjoy the turkey!

AnnieO said...

I seldom work with blue but always admire blue and white quilts--this one is a winner!

Love the block soup happening in the second quilt.

Hope your long workday on Thanksgiving went well and you got a couple of days off afterwards.

KaHolly said...

Just delightful! I know the next time you post, you’ll have whipped up those missing blocks. I was saying just the other day that as I sort, organize, and pack my sewing away for another winter, I’m going to dig for all my rogue blocks, put them in one place, and give Randy's initiative a try!

Karen said...

I am still loving that blue and white quilt. You got several more blocks sewn. What ize are the blocks?

julieQ said...

Eight inch finished blocks, Karen.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry you had to work on Thanksgiving, but grateful that nurses like you are on the job. My BFF's hubby was life flighted back to Dallas the day before Thanksgiving, and stayed until Sunday morning. Thank goodness he is back home again. The care of nurses and doctors means so much.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...