Sunday, August 26, 2018

Log Cabin lovely-ness!! We loonies ride again!

I thought I would do a post before Tuesday, which is normally when I will post about Log Cabin Loonies, and show you some gorgeous blocks being made.  ***********update!************  These pretty blocks were made by Dortha!!!

These blocks were in my email box! Aren't they so pretty???  Just looks like Christmas to me...gorgeous!!  There are just so many options with log cabin blocks, from the block itself, to layout, to colors, as above.  There was no name that I found attached to them, but I have e-mailed to ask  this person to share her name, so when I know, I will update this post.  Maybe it was there and I just did not see it, LOL!  I just had to share her gorgeous blocks!

 These gorgeous blocks are Helen's!!!  Aren't they so pretty?  I was delighted to see them in my email...just using every scrap imaginable, kind of like what I do.
 I like the red centers!!
 The above blocks are Kathy's!!  Not everyone has a blog, so I am getting pictures in my email, and just wanted to show you what people are up to.  Those clothes pins are very special to Kathy, as she had a very close family member pass away and she found these in belongings of that person.
 She is connecting both past and future, in making these pretty blocks!!!  Love your scrapping it, Kathy!!

Have an amazing day, each one of you!!!



Sue SA said...

Sew tempted to join you, just been making half log cabins for a different project, and your full sized ones look fantastic!

Chantal said...

Thank you Julie, for sharing. I love to see what others are making. So much scrappiness happening here. Yummm! ;^)

Karen said...

Log Cabin Loonies reminds me of an incident when I was a child. A family friend of an aunt and uncle of mine (they lived out in the country) was named Loony. I was afraid of him as I thought he was crazy because they kept calling him Loony. Actually, he was a very nice man but tell a kid that when people who were a bit "touched" were referred to as being "loony".

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Lovely blocks!!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh I wish I had the time to join in. I made my first log cabin after quilting for over ten years. I always was drawn to the complicated blocks. There are not many quilts I would make again but I do know I will make another log cabin. Love seeing everyone's log cabins here and in blogland.

Lori said...

What's not to love about log cabin blocks!? I enjoy seeing all the varieties.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...