Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!!

 As you know, log cabin quilts come in all shapes and sizes!!  Long ago...maybe TEN years ago, in the early days of the blog, I met a lovely person on line.  Her name is Stina, and she blogged

here        :http://kviltstina.blogspot.com/

Now she blogs here!  http://www.kviltstina.com/

For many years, I have loved reading her blog!!!!  From the start, Stina was always so kind to me.  So, quilting connections are sweet and fun!!  She made a variation of the quilt above, which is from Cheri Paine's fun creations.  I have loved that quilt for a long time, and finally, I started my very own version!!  It is made from 1/4 log cabin blocks!!!   Here is where I am so far.  I have also been working on my tiny log cabin blocks, too.

If you have been working on your log cabin blocks, of any size, please link up and share below!!!  

Nurse's Notes******************************************************

Yes, I have a nursing cap.  We were one of the last classes that actually had nursing caps, and strips...just like an old fashioned nurse!  I found this as I was cleaning and organizing drawers/.  I love it!!

I also found my mom's bandage scissors, and my old nursing apron, when we used to use such things.  We are lucky now, to not have to wear all white, and equally lucky to have lots of great pockets in our scrubs, for all the things that used to go in the apron!!!
Just sharing some of those old things I found...


Here is the linkup!!
Log Cabin Loonies linkup for 8-14-2018!
1. Julie  2. Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshopc  3. Cathy L in IA  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

And here is the prize for this week, for Log Cabin Loonies.  These are some pretty bright fabrics and a spool of Aurilfil thread.  So add your link so we can admire your pretty log cabin progress!!  Even strips is just fine, friends!



Tired Teacher said...

Oooh, I love your cap and apron. I don't remember nursing aprons, but I do remember nurses decked out in all white - even the stockings and shoes. Aren't we glad that times have changed!

Susan Earle said...

I don’t have a blog so cannot linkup but have been having so much fun making these little logs. I have more than two dozen and a plan use them in a small quilt just for me. I love looking at them on my design wall!!

julieQ said...

Susan, send me a picture and I will link you up!! They are super fun, aren't they, those tiny blocks??

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Oh Julie I love that little quilt! AND thanks for sharing the nurses cap and apron and scissors! WOW.....those were the days..starched caps and student nurses uniforms!!

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

/This is a lovely little quilt! I love log cabins. Just busy with other projects at the moment.

Little Penpen said...

The log quilt is gorgeous. I had a nursing cap too, but have no idea where it is now. I'm hoping it's at my parents' house somewhere to be discovered again one day. I didn't have an apron, but when I first started nursing, we used to wear cute smocks with pockets over our uniforms (pediatrics). We've come a long way baby.... but the work gets harder and harder, doesn't it?

Loris said...

That is a sweet log cabin. Your cap looks very similar to mine. I could never keep it on my head..even fell off while on stage for graduation. :-0 Some changes are good ones! I could either keep the cap on or do actual work!

Lori said...

Doesn't Stina take awesome photos too??
What a darling little quilt with fun touches.

Ruth said...

Thank you for showing your nurse's cap and apron!! I remember the nurses all in white when I was a new candystriper. Nurses seem to do so much more nowadays, not just walk around, look at charts and hand out pills. And tell candystripers to fill the water jugs again.

Stephanie D said...

Somewhere along the way, I've lost my cap. I wore it until about 1983, but would take it off at night (I worked 3-11 then), after the unit manager left, because with all the bending and hovering and everything, I was constantly banging it into something, or having to re-pin it to my hair. Once I left that job, I never wore it again.

I graduated from a Baptist nursing school, in 1971, which is the last time I wore an apron. We all wore the blue dresses with white aprons, and our hemlines had to be 17 inches from the floor, no matter how tall or short we were, so that when we stood together, we looked all neat. It took 15 safety pins and a rubber band to put our uniforms and aprons together!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...