Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A bit of a pickle!

 I have been making progress on my row-by-row quilt this past month...and here is my progress up to today.  There is only one more row left!!  Which makes...a nearly square quilt.  Which is NOT what I was hoping for, LOL!!  I blithely flung myself into this project, and didn't even think about the length.  I need quilts that are big enough for a hospital bed, or couch sized, and a square one does not work for what I need.  I thought of adding just a plain border top and bottom, or an applique piece, or a string border...but I just think I am going to make another three rows of little blocks of my  own design.  I got to hunting in the pieces and parts basket, and I have some little blocks that may work.  What would you do??

Stay tuned!!
Many of you will recognize this quilt  as a sampler that was running last year...I have been gifted with this quilt.  I treasure it, and the maker.  Thank you so, so much!!!  I am just overwhelmed.

Quilting friends are simply the best ones, ever.



swooze said...

You could repeat the flying geese element but larger if need be. How much more length are you hoping for? Not sure if you read my blog enough to see I get a little checkerboard happy when I need to add size. Good luck!

Kim said...

Yep I'd add more rows too....plenty of cute ideas for adding;ll come up with it :0)
Happy Sewing

Kristy said...

I agree that adding rows would be cute. You could just add 2 rows and do some borders too. I also like the applique option but it does mean more work for you. Maybe that is a good thing! :-) Have fun! K-

Rose Marie said...

I would add the extra rows to give the length you need. Your top is looking great!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes, make some fun blocks to add to your quilt. I had to make a quilt longer yesterday, so, I added another solid border, top and bottom, then another pieced border, top and bottom. I think it turned out fine.

Loris said...

Your row quilt is looking wonderful! I tried to think of what wasn't in there to add...for the first two that popped into my head...well, no there's already a row of those. So maybe a flower block, a square in a square on point and another row of those beautiful geese. Someone is going to LOVE this quilt. It is clever and thoughtful. You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

My first thought was to add a row or two of a larger flying geese. But since all your rows
are of smaller size blocks, then I'd probably stay with a couple rows of the smaller blocks. That is a beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

I would definitely add more rows. I'd put a row of FG on the top, then a row of pieced blocks on the bottom, and then add another row of FG on the bottom. That would be orderly for my brain. What about a row of churn dash blocks? On point? or ShoeFly blocks? This is a fabulous piece, I love all the colors and patchwork.

Sue SA said...

Definitely think diving into the orphan blocks and making additional rows is a good idea, this quilt will easily be extended and nobody will be the wiser!

Binsa said...

Enjoy your quilt Julie

Chantal said...

I think you need more rows. Since you have three rows between each flying geese row, except for the bottom, I would had a row at the bottom. Maybe hearts since this is where the recipient has met you. Then you could do a row of flying geese at top and at bottom to close the quilt nicely. But that's just me thinking out loud. Whatever you decide, it will be lovely as it is already a charmer. Enjoy! ;^)

Kyle said...

Great idea to go digging into the bits and pieces to help decide what extra rows you want to make, Your quilt is a treasure.

Sandy said...

I like the idea of top and bottom borders, Julie. Plain or pieced, it would give it a "beginning " and an "end" .

Lori said...

I was reading backwards and see you added rows! Fantastic quilt!!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...