Wednesday, September 30, 2020

End of the month applique, and my mini of the month!

I am absolutely loving sewing along with Cathy, focusing on this quilt!  The quilt is called Mrs. Lincoln's Sampler quilt, and can be found HERE.
This is my applique block for the quilt.  I am focusing on making smooth curves and small stitches.  I love the hand applique process!!!

Please see the below quilters...many are making a much more arduous quilt, (Mary Brown) and it is  lots of fun to see their progress!  

 The following quilters are participating.  We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month!  Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!

Cathy – Biglakequilter

Jennie  – Overthehillandrunning

Julie K –  Juliekquilts

Robin –   solsticestudio

Nanette – Doitrightquilter

Jan – Nanette will show her progress on her blog.  \\

So here is my mini quilt of the month.  I had these leftover pieces, and just sewed this quilt right up!  Very is machine quilted.  Hand sewn binding, though.  Please see Wendy's blog, our fearless mini quilt leader!  HERE

 I made this little table runner 18 years ago, or so, and the sunflowers here are waving in the wind, being late summer/fall, so I put this runner out on the dining room table.  The quilt shop I bought the kit from is now closed, which makes me quite sad.  How are the shops in your area faring?  Any closures...or openings???

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Nurse's Notes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Wow!  It has been busier lately.  In a good, non covid way!  Hearts, hearts, hearts!  In our hospital, yesterday, we had 31 covid patients and 4 persons of interest.  (we get stats in email every day)  Much better than previously in the year.  On our floor, we have had lots of heart patients.  My current patient is a very tall man...almost 80 years old...but he drives a PORSCHE!  Haha...he has had it for 35 years.  He had two heart surgeries in 24 hours, and was on the ventilator for 5 days, and is the nicest man, ever. Soft spoken and so nice.  No visitors, all by himself in this world.  Just so kind...I always like to ask what people do for a living, and turns out he has an MBA and another Master's degree in economics.  He is in charge of e-commerce for a large company, and his business is exploding, with the covid pandemic!!

Yesterday, we had a code blue (heart and breathing stopped). We went running to the room, when we heard that insistent, loud cannot mistake it bell! It went like clockwork...CPR started immediately, me on the IV meds, another doing compressions, a time keeper, a team lead, a respiratory therapist who intubated right away.  After 6 minutes, we got him back.  The poor little nurse(a travel nurse, and this was only her second day in our hospital!!) who had him was absolutely overwhelmed...bless her.  So I just quietly took over her other patient and did all the necessary the end of the shift, she circled back around to her patient and it was all done, meds given, pt. fluffed and puffed and loved on, and all the charting done!. HURRAH!  We are all "sisters of the cloth", I mean the scrubs...I loved the team work and the busy-ness and the success and being able to help her.  We all have our own "sisters" we look after...even if we don't know them, you know?  She was startled that I jumped in and did her work, but that is how we are, quilters....nurses....people....we help!!!!!!!  She will now pass this on someday, doing the same for another nursing sister.  That is what makes the dream work, TEAM work!!  It was very busy, but very rewarding, too.  


Discipline, or the hard slog.  You know that point where you! I am sewing and sewing and sewing and just seems to take forever in the middle of a quilt, and you see a new quilt, and you say "WOW!"  I love it!!!  I want to start that!  Discipline is keeping to the task at hand...keeping the end in mind, during the hard slog.  

This applies to so many things!  I see our nurses at work who start a diet or exercise program, and in a couple days, stop...because of the hard slog!!  Keeping in sight of the goal is so important in the slog, in the middle.  Just musing here....something for me to work on and be cognizant of.  


And another thing.  The debate last night was awful, to me.  Why can we not be kind to one another, even if disagreement?  They did not shake hands at first (maybe covid) I just don't get politics, much...I thought it was kind of awful!  30 years ago, people did not treat each other this way...where is the decorum and respect?  yuck!  Any thoughts??  Either side of the aisle!


And one more thing...but I forgot what it was, and this is going on so long now!!  Have a lovely, wonderful day, each of are a blessing to me!

OH it is. I HAVE AN INSTANT POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A GIFT!!!  I AM please, what is your favorite recipe or go to thing you do with it??

Thank you!


Material Girl said...

Instant pots are great! Not instant, more like set it and forget it. I make mini cheesecakes, yummy tomato soup and did a 6 lb Turkey breast last night. The meat was SO moist, my guests were amazed- and it cooked in 30 minutes!
I have many projects going on, one for each room of the house. I also spent $$$$$ yesterday preparing fir my next big project.I keep plugging away- what a mess if I didn’t! Thanks fir sharing!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

What a fabulous mini!! Thanks so much for participating again. We all seem to have fun with it. I have linked you in today's post. I love the Mrs. Lincoln blocks too. Gorgeous. As for the quilt shop question, I have shopped at my friend's shop a half hour away for over 25 years. She is retiring and is only open by appointment for the next year. Luckily we are good friends so we will still see each other. And, I hate to admit it but I have enough fabric to carry me into the next life! I wholeheartedly agree that the world has become a place where people are allowed to make nasty snarky comments to each other and people just simply accept it as o.k. It is NOT o.k. and if we do not change our ways soon we will be in big trouble. I thank you for your devoted service to people in need. We need more caring devoted people like you!

Lilac Joan said...

I think that the decline in manners and decorum began when people (male and female) began to dress casually for every occasion. Remember when you went out to eat at a nice steak house and dressed up. As always I enjoy reading your blog every morning and love your quilts.

Cathy said...

I am so loving working on a project with you. Your mini is sweet. Hugs

Quilting Babcia said...

I love your little checkerboard mini, such delightful colors. The real American heroes aren't the ones being paraded across our media every day, but those who quietly go about their life's work with dignity and respect for their fellow neighbors, who go out of their way to bring care and comfort to others, and ask for nothing in return except the freedom to do it all over again the next day.

Kyle said...

Your mini has a cool tropical feel. Don't you wish we were somewhere like that. I always enjoy your nurse's notes. It's all about kindness and respect.

swooze said...

If you’re on FB there’s a great group called instant pot community. Great recipes! I make all sorts of things in mine.

Karen said...

You are doing Mrs. Lincoln proud!

A good read in your nurse's notes today.

Ruth said...

Judy Laquidara at loves her instant pots and has lots of recipes on her blog. Good Luck!

Loris said...

Such sweet progress on your blocks and a beautiful mini to finish off those bits.
I'm pretty good at slogging through many things because I hate having things hanging over me. That being said, I've finished a lot of other things this month besides quilting! My cat quilt is being pushed aside. I checked a link this morning on Confessions of a Fabric Addict :-) that is for a group giving quilts to people in Oregon who have lost their homes in the fires. They included a fast jelly roll pattern and YAY! I have one ready to go. I think I'm going to take a detour and sew it up. It will be fun, fun, fun! No brain work, just feeding fabric under the needle!
I love hearing about your days. Teamwork is the best feel good all around!
And my sis loves making chicken in her Instant Pot. You will find tons of recipes out there.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your nurses' notes are always interesting to read. Kudos to you for doing what is obviously a fabulous job.
Your applique is lovely and your patchwork too.
I agree civility seems to be a thing of the past these days. Disappointing!


Love your blocks and so love how you do your nursing duties and help so many--
Maybe I need to move to within your hospital area so if I get sick you can be my nurse!!
and I did not watch the whole debate--but what I did see of it--it was not pretty--what happened to the day when they told us what they wanted to do for our country--not defend themselves through the whole thing, and try to make themselves look like supper hero's, when we know they are not, and call each other names and interrupt each other--SAD SAD SAD!!
good thing we got quilting to help us through this time--
luv, di and have a great week--

Terry said...

I love your mini! I used to start new projects all the time, but now my focus has switched to completing things. I don't think most people nowadays have the gumption to stick with things until the end. People want instant results or they're not interested. It's quite sad really.

Sandy said...

You are one amazing gal, Julie. Always positive, always kind. I can’t believe all you get done! Have fun with your IP, I still haven’t figured out what to do with mine.

Susan said...

I made chili in my instant pot the other night - first time for that, and it was good. I use it for rice, but it always sticks. I like making soups and things like pork chops with stuffing and celery soup - yum.

Your Mrs. Lincoln blocks look super! I bought the pattern, but haven't made a block yet. I haven't used my Covid time wisely. I loved your report on the Code and helping the new nurse. What a sweetie you are.

I think the first one of those would be difficult and panicky for anyone! This entire country needs to get back to common good manners and respect. I do see some of it here and there, more commonly when I'm in the south, but the go-to reaction to everything seems to be rudeness, from clerks to political candidates on both sides. I'm getting pretty sick of it and don't watch TV at all any more.

Maureen said...

Mississippi Pot Roast is a favorite Instant Pot recipe.
I spent 24 weeks getting chemo this year. I can't say enough about the nurses who cared for me.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Your nurse notes are always fun to read. Your patients and co-workers are blessed to have you in their corner.

A lot of people seem to have lost their “filters” and I blame Facebook for that. It’s easy to be rude, and aggressive when you are faceless. Unfortunately, words spoken/posted can not be taken back, and we all know that words are powerful and hurt more than we think.

nestki said...

Amen to you and all the commenters. I love your blog!

Little Penpen said...

I love your nurse stories. You are awesome and the travel nurse will never forget you! 🥰

Janet O. said...

Your applique blocks are always so pretty! These are no exception.
Love that little mini. Is it batiks? It has that look to it, but I couldn't tell for sure.
Your nurse's notes are always so interesting to me.
Discipline is a hard slog many times, and we sure could use more of it. Seems we live in an "anything goes" time when it is okay to do or say anything no matter how it impacts ourselves or others.
I hate to admit it, but I couldn't even bring myself to watch the debate. I didn't think I could take it mentally right now.
My Instant Pot doesn't get used like it should. I cook beans in it--sometimes rice, but usually do rice on my stovetop. I have tried roast in it, and chicken breasts. The "recipe" I tried turned out dry. I could use some good recipe recommendations, too. :)

Quilter Kathy said...

You know that saying "be the change"? YOU are the change I want to see in the world and try to be like that myself. I couldn't bear to watch the verbal violence of the debate... it just makes my heart hurt to see grown men act like mean 5 year olds.
Love your newest mini quilt... we are bringing more sweetness to the world one stitch at a time!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

first - love the mini and the applique - but second... on my stars you make my heart so happy!! to know that you helped, on so many levels... wow... I just love this!

the debate... the mom in me wanted to make both of them drop and give me 20 ( pushups.. hey it worked on my kids) the rancher in me thought... if only they had to stack hay together...

Hugs to you and yours - and thank you for being the light!

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful appliqué! God Bless you for all you do!

Chookyblue...... said...

nice blocks....I always enjoy your nurse updates.....glad you were able to support the new nurse.......hopefully she will pay it forward in time to come......
hope your all fine from your fall.....I nearly missed my seat this week....just caught it in time.....rolling chairs so handy but also have to be careful......

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog for both the quilting and nurse's note. I've thought about getting an Instant Pot, but decided against it. I use my crock pot for a lot of cooking. I have thought about an Air Fryer, but haven't yet. As for your comment on the debate, I checked in for a minute or two every so often. I thought that the mediator should have had an air horn to blast if someone was talking out of turn.

Jennie in GA said...

I just love your blue/white striped border smashing on Mrs. Lincoln. And I enjoy your musings.

Richmond Kelly said...

My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's diseases this neuron disease started 25 years before being revealed it was triggered the moment we started eating sugars including any and almost all carbs that break down to glycerol, and he was placed on the best  medical treatment approved by the United States, (FDA) he has been taking Cholinesterase, Meantime to treat his memory loss, confusion and the problems with his thinking and reasoning. Just to help slow the progression and manage the symptoms, as no cure exists I read through with interest. I once believed Alzheimer disease has no cure. Well it is true with English medicine, but not with herbal medicine. My Dad's experience opened my eyes to the reality of a cure through herbs. My Father was a vibrant man before his encounter with Alzheimer. He was a scientist, hence his mental capability was never in doubt. In 2013, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer. The symptoms manifested through repeating conversation and gradually forgetting things. It became progressive from finding the right words during conversation, to significant confusion and forgetting details about himself. It was not a good experience, seeing your father whose brilliance had no match, totally became a shadow of himself. His doctors said the disease has no cure, just medications for treatment which had a lot of side effects were administered to him. Early 2016, while on the internet, I bumped into a story of Alzheimer, and I read about a cure through herbs with interest. I researched more to be sure it was not a hoax.  In my quest, Doctor James herbal mix medicine was mentioned in the testimony. I contacted the Great Healer  on his email that was provided  (GREATCUREMAN'@MAIL.COM)   and I got his herbal mix medicine for my father. He told me that his herbal mix medicine will help my Dad to reduce the abnormal protein fold inside his neurons, and regulate the nutrients and molecules in his body system, and as well stop the progressive disorder that build up in damaging his brain cells, and help his weak cells  that causes  brain shrinking to function well, it's a good herbal drinks for cell repairing. This doctor James is a super great man and his herbal mix medicine is wonderful and works effectively as he said, with no side effects. It's been 4 years and my Dad is perfectly okay and back to his laboratory work even at old age. For your loved ones with Alzheimer or Dementia, take them off English medicine and use Dr. James herbal mix medicine for treatment. If you are suffering from Dementia, Alzheimer's disease or facing different kinds of health challenges  do not hestitate to contact the great healer on his Email at.(GREATCUREMAN@GMAIL.COM].   and get your permanent cure. He's a good man, and he will help you.

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas!!!  It was a quiet day here, one with Mexican food as the theme, instead of ham or turkey.  Of ...