Monday, January 7, 2019

Strings, strings, strings!!!

 Sometimes?  You just have to begin.  Something...anything!!!  I love strings, and have so many fun ideas  that I was a bit paralyzed!!  So...after work tonight, and after supper was cleared and the dishes were done, I made these limey green string blocks!!  I had these all sorted out.  They are 8 inch finished blocks...and represented about ten minutes of work.  I love them!  NO matching anything...just mindless and fun sewing time.
I am back to 5 bowties a night.  These are three inch finished.

A few minutes a night adds up to a lot of progress!!!

Have a super day!



Karen said...

There are two or three string sew-alongs going on now. I was going to participate but have so much going on quilt wise already. Seems foolish to add another thing.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I need to think about getting all my string blocks sewn into a top or tops! There need to be more hours in the day

---"Love" said...

I really do want to make a string quilt, but tonight I have a good excuse for not starting it. My machine is in the shop tonight for its annual checkup. Don't know what excuse I'll use when I get it back home next week. :) ---"Love"

Susan said...

Lori at Humble is hosting a String a Long...

I have mine planned and will start today.

Kyle said...

I've jumped on the bandwagon!

Lori said...

Such fun blocks!!

Barb said...

Lime Green is my favorite, love your strings and bow ties.

John smith8 said...

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Chantal said...

That was a very productive evening. Enjoy the strings! ;^)

Mary R. said...

String blocks are super relaxing to make and these turned out beautiful. I love the greens!

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