Friday, January 25, 2019

Lunacy...log cabin blocks!!

 This really was a lot of sewing...but super fun!  These strips are 1 1/4 inch wide, and 3/4 inch wide, finished.  I have made all the blocks I could, from the strips I had cut out...and I am out of brown strings, so that's it, folks!!!
Rosie, my poodle girl,  cannot wait to get on these blocks and help arrange them, so I had to snap a picture, quickly!!!!

I will not sew these together yet, but rather, let them age appropriately.   Ha!!!

Have a super day, everyone!

**************************Nurse's Notes***************************

So, on the work e-mail today, there is a notice that they are laying off 3% of all nurses at my hospital.  As a 'senior" (read old) nurse, I am on the chopping block. Corporate always goes after the oldest, most tenured staff...I sure hope my name does not come up...I need my job!!!





WoolenSails said...

Those are beautiful blocks and going to be a beautiful quilt..
I pray that you are not cut, not fair when you want to put in more time so I you can get full retirement.


Ranch Wife said...

What a great quilt! I have a bin of brown fabric that will no longer close - this looks like it might be the perfect project to make a dent in it. And as for that work email...they are out of their minds if they let you go! You are a treasure to your patients! Surely there are other areas for them to trim. Cutting back on nurses isn't one of them!

Julierose said...

Beautiful quilt--i love your setting...hugs, Julierose

---"Love" said...

Your quilt is going to be beautiful! It already is!
Just from reading how you care so much for your patients has made me wish I could have you for a nurse when I'm in the hospital. I can't imagine them even considering sending you home for good! ---"Love"

Karrin Hurd said...

Great blocks! Hope you get to keep your job!

Janet O. said...

A warm and cozy looking log cabin, where I would love to snuggle to get warm. :)
I can't imagine that a nurse of your quality would be let go! That would be insane!!

Chantal said...

I can't blame Rosie for wanting to cuddle up to these blocks because I would too. Such a lovely, warmth-looking quilt this will be ... after it has "matured" properly, of course. :^D
So sorry to hear about your work email. I'm sure they will cut off older nurses who are starting to be slackers on the job ... not you! You are still full of fire and full throttle ahead. Regardless, I will pray for you as I imagine it must be nerve wrecking. Take care. ♥ ;^)

Loris said...

I'm sorry for your work stress yet again. You seem to be so flexible and needed, I hope you get to keep your job. I'll pray for God's best plan in this.
Love the log cabins! Now let Rosie in there to re-arrange :-)

Tired Teacher said...

What an attractive Log Cabin quilt your blocks are going to create. You've invested a lot of time in the blocks. Nurses are indispensable at any hospital but especially in the cardiac unit. Wishing you the best during this stressful time.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, NO!! Here's hoping your name isn't "drawn" to take the ax.

Sue SA said...

Log cabin quilt looks fantastic and I am very impressed you have used all your scraps and got the right number of blocks! Sew hope you get to keep your job. In Australia they tend to get rid of the newest member of staff, because those with most years of service get paid out more. So we call it a golden handshake - you get to retire with more money. But we have Long Service Leave, so every 10 years (does vary per state) you get three months paid holidays....sorry I know that isn't going to help your situation. Fingers crossed they love your work ethic and sunny disposition so much they pick someone else!

Anonymous said...

I really like your log cabin quilt. I need to make my strips smaller, it adds so much more to the look of the quilt. Of all the jobs I've had, lay-offs where either last in, first out or by lacking of performance. Hope you get to keep your job. Thanks for sharing.

KaHolly said...

Both layouts are awesome! You are pretty funny, letting them age, like a good cheese! Good luck with the job situation. I hate it when they play those games. My daughter is in higher education and is applying to different openings to make some new changes, but she is always overlooked because if they hire someone new and young, they won’t have to pay them as much. It really stinks!

Shepherdess55 said...

You're in my prayers that your name isn't on the layoff list.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Pretty blocks! Teachers and Nurses are not appreciated!!!!! I hope that you are retained - they start letting the Nurses and Teachers who are very knowledgeable and excellent workers go and opting for the younger generation I say good luck to us! They have already dumbed down 3 generations! Here's hoping that you are not one of the ones to be let go! They just do not want to pay retirement!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I hope you keep your job. Hubby wasn't given any warning at all, just a phone call that after 16 years, he (and 4 others) were gone. He's still looking.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your quilt top!! fingers crossed you are not a part of the 3%!!! Hang in there

Kyle said...

Your quilt is beautiful and I do hope your experience will be seen as a VALUABLE asset.

Carolyn said...

Praying that your experience is taken into account and not your salary. Cost cutting measures suck! Gorgeous quilt!

Lori said...

Those blocks are amazing!
We are having a lot of nurse cuts here too. Wonder what's up with that?

Quilter Kathy said...

Everything is better with age... quilt blocks, UFO projects and nurses.
You are a super experienced nurse, so I'm sure there will be a place that will treasure you if your current employer is having trouble seeing the big picture and does not value you!

QuiltGranma said...

You could have shown us a picture of you fluffy baby too, sitting on or near the blocks. We LOVE Poo-Dells!

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Mystery quilt and more

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