Thursday, January 24, 2019

First day off, and an inservice

I started yet another quilt.  My philosophy is this!  Nothing started, nothing finished!!!  HA!  So...this is a rainbow quilt.  The colors will march diagonally across the quilt.  Orange is next.

I made a few birds...these were supposed to be red, but there were so many mistakes with them, I count it lucky that they made it out from the sewing machine alive!  Hahaha!!!

Speaking of that...I encourage  each of you not to let a lack of perfection in quilting, or anything else for that matter,  make you sad or feel like you are not adequate.  I love these birds above, with all their mistakes....this is all for the joy of it, after all!!

I am making a project with rick-rack.  I blithely thought that my local Walmart would have tons of it, and I didn't have to worry about a thing....


I feel lucky to have found it...does Joann's have rick-rack??

*******************Nurse's notes********************************

I was a bit aggravated today, being forced to take two hours and go to a mandatory in-service on pulling sheaths...something I have done for thirty years and never had a problem.

It really interrupts my day to get ready and dressed and drive to the hospital and sit there and watch...but woe is me if I missed this MANDATORY in-service.

So what did I do? I took my sewing and did applique!  I swear, I am going to get fired for insolence, LOL!!


Have a super day, each of you!!!



Tired Teacher said...

They used your Power Point?! Pretty gutsy, I'd say.

Love the birds and your new blocks. I'm sure JoAnn's sells rick rack.

mckie2 said...

You might find rick rack at hobby lobby too. The birds look lovely to me.

Quilter Kathy said...

OH these mandatory trainings... it reminds me of the saying "Preaching to the choir". The people who don't need to hear the message are always there, and the ones who NEED to learn are either not there or not retaining the information.
I think stitching is much preferred to playing on the phone, which is what people do these days instead of thinking :)
My two "favourites" are disability training, and workplace hazardous waste training aka WHMIS.
Attending these makes me remember that common sense is not very common these days! LOL

Loris said...

My favorite (NOT) mandatory inservices were where they showed us the 5 new forms we had to fill out for a procedure. They never took away...just kept adding. Grrr!
I love the new blocks and of course, the birds :-) Have you told us where to find that pattern. I would love to sew some birds too.

julieQ said...

Loris, I will find the bird I worked from on Pinterest and try to work up a pattern!

Lori said...

Love the different birdy legs!!
Great pretty new blocks!!

Janet O. said...

Those star blocks will be so pretty in rainbow colors!
I haven't bought rick-rack in decades, since I was making clothing for my little girls. I have no idea what is out there!
Oh, my goodness, how maddening to be required to attend that "training" and they use your own power point. Doesn't that tell them anything?!?

The pattern isn't identical, but there is a free bird pattern at this link.

Shepherdess55 said...

Julie, You and I would be a great pair. I take some kind of stitching, embroidery or knitting, to every meeting I go to. If the meeting is interesting I may not get it out but it's there if it isn't. More often than not, I've gotten it out and so far I haven't been fired or thrown out. In fact, over the years I've noticed looks of amazement and/or longing by others that make me think they wished they'd done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I liked what you said about being perfect versus the joy from making the quilt. I know that my quilts aren't perfect, but they are the best I could do at the time. And some times are better than others, but I do enjoy what I'm doing. Thanks for sharing.

Chantal said...

That's a very interesting star. I've never seen this pattern before as I don't see the mistakes in your birds either. They are just beeeeaaaaauuuutiful! I had an "imposed" formation this morning. It was soooo boring. (I can only say that here.) I WISH I could have bring some sewing but there was too many witnesses from my department that I didn't dare. At one point I did say to the girl next to me, "Are we there yet?" This was a very loooooonnnng boring morning. I have so much work at my desk and here I was stuck there, being bored to death. Aaaahhhh! Have a FABulous weekend. ;^)

Nines said...

Love your sunny quilt!

KaHolly said...

I used to do the same during inservices. Julie, I’m loving your new circle quilt! And those birds! I made four a couple of years ago. I love them, but I didn’t like making them. I still need to make one more but I keep procrastinating. One day!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Your small flock of RED birds looks great from here! Did you mention the name of the blocks for your new rainbow quilt? Those intrigue me.

Auntie Em said...

JoAnn's does carry rick rack. I bought some there recently. Your birds are really cute in any color.

Turid said...

I have to make some birds again. Yours are great.

Pamela Arbour said...

Beautiful blocks and you did get time to post.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those stars are so pretty - they make me think of spring! I'm a retired teacher, and I hear you on the ridiculous, but mandatory trainings! Good for you, taking something to stitch.

scraphappy said...

Inservice sounds like a horrid way to spend a day off. Glad you got some sewing done too.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...