Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Fun is afoot!

 Rainbow quilts!  The color of this month is:  RED!  I have started a new quilt with wonky stars.  I thought I might not like making these stars...BUT I LOVE THEM!!  So much love, that I made two.
 Angela at So Scrappy is hostessing a new quilt along...please see her blog HERE.  Tiny blocks, with lots of visual impact.  She is posting one each week, and it is a free quilt along.
 I had a jelly roll...note the past tense.  I whacked it all up and am making this, for a nursing friend who likes purple.
 Happiness?  Is a new rotary cutter blade!  Hahaha!  This was my Christmas present, the one I asked rotary blades.  Cuts like a hot knife through butter!
 I have been collecting keys for some time...some very old, some just pretty.  I found this wooden heart at JoAnn fabrics yesterday, and had a 60% off coupon, so it came home, and we put cup hooks on it...and there you go!  I have room for some more old keys.
 Yarn sale too, at Joann's.  I made a little dishcloth.  I can still crochet, after a fashion, that is.
 I guess I need a bright bag, or someone does...anyway, this got made too.
 This is my table runner for January...and it is BRRRRRrrrrr here!  Raining all day.
 These are just a few of the gifts I received from my friend Lyn...thank you, Lyn!!  I love each one!
And such a fun fabric postcard...thank you, Nines!!



---"Love" said...

What a bunch fun starts you have made already in 2019! ---"Love"

Rebecca in AK said...

There are very few things better than a new rotary blade! Lots of pretty projects going on at your house. I am going to join in the RSC19 sampler too. It sounds very fun!

Tired Teacher said...

Rotary blades and needles - ack, I need to change them more often in 2019! ❤️ the star blocks.

Randy D. said...

Considering it's only January 2, you have been BUSY!!

I love the idea of the keys!!

A new blade? What a concept!! ;-)

Janet O. said...

Look at all these fun projects. LOVE the wonky stars!
That is a great quilt for a purple lover (I should know--I am one). :)
What a fun idea to display the vintage keys. They are all keys to your heart. Sorry--couldn't resist.
Very pretty bag!
Looks like you were treated very well by Lyn.
Happy New Year, Julie!

Libby in TN said...

I'd say you've gotten a jump-start on a lot of fun stuff. I am looking forward to Tiny Tuesdays, too; doing my first red block(s) today.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Wow, you have a fab start to 2019. Wonky stars seem to be trending right now. I'm giving them a try myself.
xx, Carol

Sherrill said...

Today should be our last day of yuck then it's all up from here. Woohoo! You really make me tired. I've loved wonky stars for matchy matchy. HA

Lori said...

A little of this, a little of that! So much fun and goodness in this post!

Julierose said...

Just love stars and string blocks...great reds hugs, julierose

Chantal said...

Wow! You touched the ground running this year. Awesome work! Love your keys collection. ;^)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your wonky stars are great; I am always drawn to red quilt anyway, but this will be spectacular! Actually, all of your projects are wonderful. The table runner is so nice and your key display is inspired; here's to 2019 and much more fun afoot! Happy New Year!!

Karen said...

I like those stars too. Are you going to be making all wonky stars for the rainbow challenge>

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I have my red scraps pulled and I am ready to sew. I was just thinking today I might break out a new blade - perfect for the new year.

Love your star blocks!

John smith8 said...

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...