Friday, October 12, 2018

Strings are the best thing ever!!! Aren't they??

 I sandwiched this top today.  I am not using a batting, because the strings are piecing on muslin, so technically there ARE three I will let you know how that goes with the quilting!!
This was pieced from one bag of strings.  Anything goes in this one!  I just love working with strips of fabric; just makes me happy.  I pieced the leaves from strings, too.  How much more fun could it be!!!??  This is one I can work on in the car...quilting in zig-zags, following the string pieces.

********************Nurse's notes*****************

I thank you, each of you, for your sweetness and understanding of my last post.  I was pretty discouraged, because I have put my heart and soul into my nursing, day by day, for the last thirty years.  I really love and care for these patients!!  I think the topping of that day was when, after 12 hours of trying to "love that patient into submission!", and him hitting and kicking me and others at will....he called me a "loud-mouth bitch."  Excuse my language, but that is what really hurt my feelings.  I was shocked, because I am soft spoken and used every skill I had to take care of him.  So...that is why I posted that...

I also know that I need to be not sensitive at all to this kind of thing...but I am, after so many years.  I am still not a tough battle-axe nurse!

This is my weblog, and I will probably delete this in the future...because I don't want to remember that, LOL!!

But you know what?  Yesterday, I had the most amazing patient.  Really, really sick...I got her breathing tube out (extubated), and she was just a darling, and her family hugged me and thanked me profusely for every little ordinary thing I did for them.  

I thank dear Jesus for those days...still hard days of work, don't get me wrong, but so rewarding with the progress and love from my patients.

So thanks for listening!




Ranch Wife said...

Your string quilt is gorgeous! And if I ever need to be hospitalized, I want you for my nurse! I have no doubt that you touch and bless each and every patient under your care...even the grouchy ones. :)

Anonymous said...

I really like your string quilt. I love colorful, scrappy quilts. Sorry you had that nasty patient a couple of days ago. Thanks for sharing all that you do.

Tired Teacher said...

❤️ the string blocks AND the adorable string leaves!

Just like the Grinch, I think your troublesome patient's heart was several sizes too small. I hope someday soon that he realizes how kind you were and how hurtful he was.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your string quilt is simply fabulous, I love the setting and the sweet applique along the sides! I hope the out-of-control patients don't diminish your love for your calling, it is a special person who can deal with the super-charged emotions that come with serious illness, be it the patient or his/her relatives. I remember only too well the night we had to take my mom back from the hospital ER to her alzheimer's care unit at 2 a.m., and she was hitting and swearing like a sailor until she was sedated heavily (twice) before we and the hospital staff could get her into the car. God bless you and all your associates for being the caring and compassionate caregivers that you are!

AnnieO said...

I like looking at string quilts but am not sure I want to make one! You’re amazing with your scraps.

I’m sure your feeling for your patients is as genuine as everything else about you! The poor man was obviously out of his head to be so violent and rude. Glad that you got one of the opposite sort to counteract that miserable one!

---"Love" said...

I hope when and if I ever am hospitalized, I get a nurse as caring as you! I also pray I won't be a difficult patient, as some are. You are among friends here with your blog, so go ahead and vent as needed, just as you share happy feelings and good results most of the time. ---"Love"

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

The quilts is beautiful. I love the border with the flowers around it. Quietens the middle part down. Some patients are terrible. They take all their anger, pain, fear out on the nurses. I admire your patience to be able to do the nursing job. Luckily there are also lovely patients who understand and appreciate nurses. It's a great job. I couldn't do it.

strawberrypatches said...

Sunshine and shadows Julie, you need them all. One day that person will appreciate your goodness, and if they don't, that doesn't detract from the goodness you show, it just highlights it. I love your quilt, just love it!

Julierose said...

Strings have to be my very favorite--especially on muslin as no batting is needed--they quilt really easily and are a nice finished weight...yours are so lovely--such rich colorways--love it hugs, Julierose

Rose Marie said...

OMG ..... your top is absolutely stunning!

Chantal said...

Love this quilt. No, let me rephrase that. I LOVE this quilt. :^D I believe the little hearts are made of string too, am I wrong? It is so fun and cheerful. So interesting to look at too with all these different fabrics. Next time, please take some close-up pictures, please.
You know, Julie, we can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Maybe this man was so used to abuses of all kind since his tender age, that he had no idea what to do with this kind treatment. So he fought it off. My heart still goes out to you for having to go through that. Here's a virtual hug to you. "remove the dust from that place off your feet" and never return there (even in your mind). (or something like that. It's from the bible but I ain't good at quotes. lol.) Enjoy the quilting! ;^)

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I love string quilts and yours is pretty. I'm glad you were able to recover from the bad patient to a grateful one. We all have our days.
xx, Carol

Jeanne said...

So glad it was a better day!

Holly said...

I too LOVE this beautiful quilt. You've inspired me to get my strings out and get busy! Making something from pieces most throw away is quite rewarding. I may do quilt as you go...not sure yet. I'm so slow, can't sit very long at the machine, but alot can be done in ten or fifteen minutes.

Barb said...

Love love your string quilt.....

Kyle said...

You're an amazing quilter and a loving care and health provider. Always going above and beyond.

Karen said...

Oh even your leaves are strings!

Lori said...

Your string quilts are always amazing! I can't wait to start on one in 2019!

Teresa said...

Love your quilt. Did you fuse those leaves or are the edges turn under? I love the look, but wonder how hard it would be to turn them under. Scrappy string quilts are always so fun to make and see.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The good patients make up for the bad ones. Hope you got your comments back. Check your settings. I think Google changes them while we sleep.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...