Saturday, October 13, 2018


I went into my email and tried to reply to everyone's sweet comments from yesterday and not one went to my email.

What is up with that??  I thought that was all fixed??

Anyway...Thank you to everyone!!!  Have a wonderful day!!!



Needled Mom said...

I'm having the same problem. No one seems to have come up with a fix yet. Someone suggested that it may have something to do with Google+.

Libby in TN said...

I got a message from Google just this week asking me to confirm that I wanted to receive these comments. Perhaps you missed/skipped the message ...

julieQ said...

Thank you, Libby, I will check and see if I missed a message.

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear that. From your blog's dashboard window, click the settings button on your left. It will show you some options: basic: post, comment, etc: email - click on email. To the right you will have: Posting using email? and the second one: comment notification email - right the email address you wish to receive the comments to. Don't forget to save (completely at top right) before closing the window. ♥ ;^)

julieQ said...

Thank you, Chantal...I did that and... nothing. I guess I will shut down everything, reboot, and try again! Onward!

jann said...

I'm having problems also so it may not just be you. All of a sudden lots of no reply, comments not in email, and replies I've sent not being able to be delivered. And, again, I can't always leave a comment for you...the dreaded white page was back earlier this week!

julieQ said...


Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...