Sunday, July 1, 2018

Thank goodness!!

 Here is my month six, for the "Sweet Land of Liberty" quilt along, with Lori, by Cheri Payne.   I changed the block with the tree, and put a heart in the middle instead, so I can embroider my anniversary date and information about this quilt.
 Here is where I am so far.  That empty space troubles me, on the left...I still have not decided what to put in there.  It will come to me!!

Please see Lori's quilt HERE, and also take a peek at all the quilts in progress!  They are all so  gorgeous!!

I think these jeans are so funny...I have just worn them out, crawling around weeding in the garden and working outside!!  I saw a pair of "pre-torn" jeans for $198.00 bucks the other day, in the I think I have them beat, LOL!!!  Can you imagine paying that...maybe I am behind the times!!  What do you think??

THANK GOODNESS for a day off work!

**********************Nurse's notes***************************

I have had a patient for the last 8 months, in the hospital. Code blue on arrival, he has made it through more horrific complications and illnesses than any other human I know.  It is exhausting to care for him, and witness his journey, yet invigorating to be a part of his healing and recovery.  I just love him and his darling wife and daughters.  I love being a nurse!!




Quilting Babcia said...

Hehe, we're alike in the jeans department! I think paying more than $20 for any pair of jeans is way too much, and none of the new ones fit aging sagging bodies in a flattering way, just sayin. You have been making amazing progress on all your long-term projects, and all of them look so time-intensive! Kudos to you!

Tired Teacher said...

I shake my head when I see torn jeans being sold in department stores for high dollars. My Mom would say, " a fool and his money. . . "

Great progress on your Liberty quilt, and I love the idea of adding dates on the heart - clever.

Nancy said...

Your Liberty looks great, Julie! Seeing it in a lighter color range gives a really different feel to it than Cheri's original mediums and darks. It's fun that you're putting so much personal meaning into the blocks, too.

Kim said...

My brother spent the last year of his life in the hospital, I have to say he got decent care but not one nurse treated him like a person but as a was heartbreaking how alone he and his wife felt day after day as he his health deteriorated. Hard for me being so far away but I did get to visit often. I miss the days when nursing was hands on and heart felt care giving by real nurses...I think of you this way Julie and happy there are still nurse like you that say you "love your patient and his family" because that is just what they need right now! Happy Sewing.....hey did you "borrow" my anniversary idea? Hugs

Chantal said...

Wonderful progress on your quilt, Julie. I love it. I wouldn't buy anything that has a hole in it. Like you, I can make my own, lol. ;^)

Chookyblue...... said...

It's the previous moments that make it special......

KaHolly said...

Your Liberty Quilt is coming along very nicely. Hey, I have a few pair of jeans that look just like that! Are stains extra, I wonder?

Lori said...

No way on the jeans! I think when they are all holey and ratty they look gross. Hope that fad leaves us soon.
Your liberty quilt is looking great!!

Karen said...

Your Liberty quilt is definitely going to be uniquely yours in design. I am enjoying watching your progress.

Janet O. said...

I love the idea of your anniversary block.
Current styles of jeans give new meaning to the term "Threadbare"! Wouldn't wear them if you paid me, let alone pay that price for them.
I am so glad there are good people like you that love being a nurse!

Robin said...

I enjoy seeing the progress on your Sweet Land of Liberty quilt. I love the heart, it's a nice touch. I hope your patient continues to do well.

Nancy in NV-wheres the dude at blogspot said...

What a good idea for trading in the tree for a heart. I'm going to embroider my June anniversary date on my block too.
The jeans-can I just say what in the world are the fashion people thinking? I don't like the holes and I can't stand how much spandex they use. You can't keep your pants on! Ha

Julierose said...

Love how your Sweet Land is coming along; love those waves blocks--
My cousin Jeannette (sadly gone before me..) was a Nurse and she just loved nursing, too. It had been her dream while we were growing up to become a nurse and when we played "dolls" together mine always had to be "sick"..hahaha Such good memories she was like a sister to me, the "only child". hugs Julierose

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...