Sunday, July 29, 2018

Happy Sunday!!

 Working, working, working!!  Lots of sick patients at the hospital  It has been busy and rewarding, seeing those very ill patients get to go home.

Above is some progress on the row by row quilt, with bitty blocks.  The log cabin blocks are made from 1 inch strips, so the logs finish at 1/2 inch.  I am in love with them, and plan to use some of my much cherished and hoarded strings to make another quilt with them.  I love strings!!!
 And then, I added the star blocks.  I cheated on this row, because I make those stars all the time and have a big tub of them already made, so I just pulled out a few and put them as the next row!!!  They are four inches, finished size.
 Here is my block for Lori's quilt along, for this month.  Humble quilts rock!!
And here is where I am so far.  Not too far to go!!!

Hey, would you like to sew some of those log cabin blocks with me!  They are super easy and fun and mindless...and can use some of your ugly and funky strings up, and make a super beautiful quilt!!! Let me know if you are interested in the pattern and a sew along!!  Not too tough to figure out the log sizes...but fun to sew!

Also, is anyone interested in making some table runners with me!  TABLE RUNNER TUESDAY!!!  I am thinking about that, too...

Just some fun stuff to play with, that is not too labor or thought intensive, LOL!!

*******************Nurse's Notes********************

I have a theory about some of my patients.  It seems like the most innocent and naive patients just get over things a lot better than some of my most educated and micro-managing patients.  I had a recent lady, who had mentally challenged from birth, but the most sweet and darling thing you have ever met.  She had a super deadly problem, which kills a lot of people, but she just sailed right through it, because she didn't know that she was supposed to, by all rights and medical knowledge, die from it.  It was so inspirational!!

On the other hand, I had a patient with the exact same thing, very knowledgeable and up on every thing, who died from it.

Now, this is not acknowledged medical fact...but just something I have observed.  When I used to work pediatrics, those kiddos, some of them, should by all rights pass away...but if they were not told that, they seemed to get better!!  Not all, of course...but some.

Just an observation...I am not sure it has any basis in fact, whatsoever...Just musing here!!


Have a super day, each of you!!



Kathleen said...

I am ALL IN on a little log cabin block sew along - - or those little stars, too..........

My strings are taking over the world, and I need to sew something new with them...

yippee....happy sunday back to you, too.

Chantal said...

Happy Sunday to you, sweet Julie. Where do you find the time to make extra star-just-in-case-I-need-some blocks? You are amazing as your row quilt is!! Love it. Love your observation too. Food for thought. Enjoy! ;^)

Leeanne said...

Happy Monday!! fabulous the Row by Row. Interesting what you have noticed with your patients. Kiwi Hugsxx Back to quilting for me!

Nana said...

I love the small version of all the rows.....very inspiring

Quilter Kathy said...

I agree with that theory... it's like medication placebo... if you think it's supposed to make you sick, it will!
Love the mini rows... I would love to make little log cabins with you!

Kyle said...

Your row by row is definitely a happy one. Your choice of colors make a very cheerful quilt. And no, it's not cheating to happen to have the right blocks to use instead of making more! I say that's pretty cool. Interesting insight and observation

Lori said...

Your row by row is super wonderful!!!
I hope I'd be the naive patient!!

Janet O. said...

Your row quilt of bitty blocks is such a smile maker! So sweet--and I can't believe you just happen to have a bunch of 4" finished stars ready, either.
I have made a small quilt with 1" cut logs. I love it! Just not enough sewing time right now to join a SAL, for me, whether it be logs or table runners. I don't know how you do it. I must be the worst time manager.
Your observations of your patients makes sense to me. The mind is a powerful thing!

Rebecca in AK said...

You are making excellent progress on your quilt tops! I love them both! I better not join in on the sew along, but I will be with you in spirit as I sew my Pineapple crazy block. I absolutely believe our mental state or mind-set effects our physical well-being and health.

Robin said...

The curved row of stars about the liberty basket really adds a lot of sparkle to the block. Nice touch.

Nancy in NV-wheres the dude at blogspot said...

Ignorance is bliss! Loving the Liberty Bell!!

Lori said...

BTW, Love the liberty bell!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I had finger surgery 11 years ago. I'd told the doc that I 'HAD' to be able to hand quilt after the surgery, or I wouldn't get the surgery. Well, things turned out MUCH worse than he thought, and he told me to go for rehab on the finger (never discussed before surgery). I was determined to finish hubby's 20th Anniversary quilt that I was hand quilting, so, besides hand therapy, I'd stitch a stitch with the finger, then stitch 2-3 stitches without the finger, and so on, until I could keep stitching with that finger. When I went back to the doc, for my final check up, he admitted that he didn't think I'd ever be able to quilt (or much else) with that finger again, but, he didn't have the courage to tell me that before he saw how well I was using that finger again. The therapists loved the quilting I was doing, and said that they would use needle and thread for future patients for therapy, since it worked so well for me. Full use of that finger, since no one told me I couldn't do it.

dq said...

Those are super bitty blocks! I love row quilts and yours is awesome!

I just love what you have done with your Sweet Land of Liberty! The Liberty Bell is PERFECT! I also like your contrast in your lights and darks so much. It makes your blocks pop.

Susan said...

I like what you did with the bell instead of the fish. I will have to think about that. Thanks!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...