Thursday, April 2, 2015

Binding Blitz!!

 I bound this quilt in March!!  And also hand quilted it.  It is fresh from the washer and dryer, and I love that I got it done!!  I really enjoy hand quilting, and do it on the road...big stitching, you know?  Love that for sure.  You can click on the picture to see just how big those stitches perfection here, just a warm quilt full of love.
 Another view...
 And another!  These are all plaids from the thrift store shirts, and whatever strings I could possible come up with.  I love them all.
 This quilt is all ready to bind too!!  Rosie the quilt inspector is doing her thing.  She is a tough judge...but someone has to do it!
 And this one is ready to bind too!  I love what we do...making something from scraps.  Yahoo!
Spring is it spring where you are??  These Iris are in my back yard...moved with me from place to place.  And I will move them again if need be.  I have divided these lots, and have tons of these pretty flowers.  Do you have Iris too??

********************BINDING BLITZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please add your link below...I would love to see your gorgeous finishes for March!!  The link will stay open for five days, then I will randomly draw a winner for the gift.

Have a great day, everyone!!



Angie said...

Dang, girlfriend, I love them all (and Rosie too)! :) Your Iris is gorgeous. I have Irises too but they haven't started budding yet. I always think of my Mom when it Iris season---she loved them so much. My Lilac bush does have flower buds forming on it though, and I can hardly wait. :)

Kyle said...

Look at all those quilts ready for binding and the scrap rail fence you finshed is so sweet. It's a good feeling to create something so lovely out of what others might consider scraps. You have a very creative ablitiy to do that so well. No iris up around here yet, in fact, it's been snowing all day. Spring comes in many outfits.

Tired Teacher said...

Lovely quilts!

Bearded iris is one of my favorite spring flowers. My mother had rows and rows of them.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I big stitched my two finishes for March too! Your scrappy quilt is wonderful! My favorite kind of quilt!

LuAnn said...

I love those plaids as much as I love the quilt in your header . They're all beautiful.

Missy Shay said...

The only binding I have done is on my mug rugs, LOL I hope to get my quilt done soon!

Chantal said...

Lovely quilts Julie. Love the sashing with the stars and corner blocks on the last quilt. It makes it even more interesting. But, yes, my fav is the Plaid one :)
It is Spring here too. Well, it doesn't show itself with flowers but the Canadian Geese are darkening the skies and that is a sure sign of Spring here.

Lori said...

Wow! Nice job!! Love the quilt and yes, I love what we do.

Spring is slow getting here..

Quilter Kathy said...

Love all these wonderful scrap quilts! You have such a talent my friend! It is spring only on the calendar here... no flowers or warm weather or sun yet :(

Kalicocreations said...

Your quilts are beautiful but the iris makes me smile, it is gorgeous! I had one of that color but it got mowed down before it was well established. I moved some of my bulbs when we moved a couple of years ago, but they have yet to bloom so I don't know what color they are yet.

Dasha said...

Every one of those quilts is gorgeous, but perhaps if pushed, I'd say the last one is the one that appeals to me most. Can't go past stars! Well done for getting on with the job and finishing them off.

Loris said...

Lovely! The plaids and the big stitch are especially my faves. I stitched like crazy last weekend getting my quilt top done so I could quilt it and get the binding completed in time. Yay! Will work at getting the pics posted and link it. Thanks for the motivation 😎

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on two beautiful finishes! I especially like the second quilt. And you already have another one ready for binding. You move fast!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

IMHO, a warm quilt full of love is always way better than a perfect quilt. And I see the love in your quilts.

Irises always remind me of my mom ... it'll be about another month before they're blooming here.

Quilting Stories said...

Congratulations on such stunning quilts Julie, and thank you for the party!

Karen said...

I was noticing how much the very dark border on the rail fence quilt makes the design and colors pop.

Ruth said...

The trees and flowers are amazing here in Oregon! I used to have Iris in Texas, but here I have other things and have planted a bunch such as Lily of the Valley, lavender, lots of daisies and one crepe myrtle to remind me of TX! I love your plaid shirt quilt!

Anonymous said...

Very successful! I have been sewing and filling another box with strings...Your work is beautiful!

Terry said...

Your quilts look wonderful and your iris is beautiful! :0)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love Iris', but, I don't have any. Lots of great quilts you are working on. I really need to use my scraps. I'm bad about that.

Patty Hall said...

your quilts are beautiful! and iris's are one of my favorite flowers!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
lovely finishes, I like the lap quilting on the cosy quilt.

Vic in NH said...

Yeay, I finally got a binding blitz listed here! Proud to be a part of it all. Your quilts are gorgeous and I wanna make them all!

Cathy said...

Oh, who doesn't love a quilt made of thrift store plaids! I love hand quilting and big stitching too and yours is just perfect for that quilt. Congrats on your finish.

Rebecca in AK said...

They are all just wonderful!! I am glad you have an in home quilt inspector! Beautiful flowers, it will be awhile before we have any here.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...