Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Looking for inspiration! Or maybe have too much??

 I have been making 4 inch scrappy stars for years.  And hoarding them, too...So I gathered them all up and put them together with these 1/2 square triangles.  I have had these made for years too.
Any suggestions?

I am having a problem finding a focus, here.  Too many projects whirling about like a cyclone in my wee brain...fogged with Nyquil!!  (remember, I have the mother of all colds)  What is a girl to do???  How do you find ONE project to focus on??

Hugs to all, and have an amazing day!!  (without Nyquil......)


Shari said...

I have the same issue - always wanting to work on several at one time.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have been making 4 inch stars in batiks of purples/yellows/pinks etc - I'm not sure how many I will do but I still have a bit of my background fabric so we will see - this might end up way more than wall hanging that I had at first intended it to be.

Shirley said...

Start making rows, I love your lay-out just as it is, it looks great! Sometimes you must stop thinking and just start sewing

Norece said...

Instead of putting your 1/2 sq triangles in straight rows, try putting them in diagonal rows.

I am so impressed with all the gorgeous quilts you make. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Kristie said...

I love your setting. Such tiny little stars.

KaHolly said...

I do that, too. I have a pile of small scrappy dresdens that I've been building upon for a few years now. I wish I had your imagination when it comes time to lay them all out!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Oh I get myself in that situation too! I try working on the ones that are closest to being finished. Sometimes getting a quick finish encourages me to keep going. But I do find having a finish makes my brain say oh you can start another. Love your layout! Great little stars.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

WOW! I too love your setting. I'd say, start putting them together. One project??? NEVER!!! Have ya seen my design wall?? LOL!!

Donna Keating said...

Looks good to me. Hope you kick that bad cold in the butt real soon.

Donna Keating said...

Looks good to me. Hope you kick that bad cold in the butt real soon.

Angie said...

Looks amazing just the way it is! Great setting idea - I'm filing that one away for future use!

Chantal said...

It's lovely Julie. I think a Barn Raising design would look nice. If you give the alternative block a quarter turn to get diagonal lines to achieve a Barn Raising design then, if you have enough star of the same colour, you could go all the yellows together in one of the rounds, all the reds together in another round, etc. You know I mean? Anyway, it's your quilt, and I am sure you will find something you like. Go Girl!!

Megan said...

I'm also voting for the 'It looks terrific - start sewing 'em together!' option. It's going to be a(nother) delightful scrap quilt by you.

Sydney, Australia

Mama Joan said...

Beautiful! I love the way the internet allows us to connect. We've been e-friends for years, girl. Praying you will feel better soon.

Kathleen said...

I met a woman at a quilt show - she had the prize winning quilt - Best of Show. It was spectacular. She said she only makes one quilt each year.... goes home from work every day and spends 2-3 hours on the same quilt until it is done a year later, then starts another....To me, THAT is NUTS, I would go crazy - I love the diversity of many projects and a whirlwind of creativity - heck, it's a hobby - enjoy it any way you can !!!

Anonymous said...

Love the layout. Maybe dark chedder for the setting triangles and a nice flowery border?

Be well soon!


Kalicocreations said...

Love the setting, I would probably use the blue from the inner portion for the setting triangles if it were my quilt and call it spectacular.

Work on what makes you happy, you get many quilts finished the way you are working. I work on several at a time, it keeps me from getting bored with one project.

Sherrill said...

I, too, am easily pulled from one project to another to another...so no help with ya on that front! But it's funny I just posted my blocks kinda like yours and doing the Just One Star setting!!

Leeanne said...

Awesome setting.........so many quilt ideas and sooooooo little time!

AnnieO said...

It looks great, Julie. I think you do well with all your bits and bobs, fitting them together. Very pretty! (I am partial to the diagonal setting ideas tho!)

audrey said...

Well this looks amazing, so your focus must be good enough.:)

Karen said...

The medium blue around your star blocks really has great impact. I like the quilt very much. Good choice of setting and fabric used for the setting.

Tired Teacher said...

I like the setting with the HSTs.

Janet O. said...

No matter how you set them, this will be a stunning quilt. I would be tempted to play with the HSTs blocks and try the diagonal and Barn Raising settings just to see which I like best. Then start sewing it up! : )

Linda said...

I understand your dilemma of having loads of projects turning circles in your head! Happens to me all the time, often during tonight if I wake up, can't get back to sleep and then all these ideas for future quilts pop into my head! Not conducive for a good night's sleep. I also work on several things at a time - and have many WIPs, of course! I love the way you have arranged the gorgeous little stars and HSTs in columns. Other suggestions for a different layout sounds good too - but why not just sew them up as they are and then you have another quilt top finished?! And another top in the "WIP: I must quilt it" pile!

Vic in NH said...

Sew, Julie, sew! On your HST's and Stars, that is. It looks wonderful as a layout and I especially like the symmetry that you have achieved in the vertical columns. I hope that by now that you are ever so much better with your cold, too!

Quiltdivajulie said...

(skipped the other comments - will go back and read after commenting) Who says you have to work on only one at a time? Pick three and alternate your attention depending on your mood. (I take a photo of the others and keep them in a private Picasa album so I can keep track of what else is waiting in the wings).

Lori said...

Who needs just one?! LOL I do understand sometimes I feel so scatterbrained when I have too many projects going.
I love this one and the setting!

Quilter Kathy said...

Yah I have a suggestion... sew it together! it's fabulous!

Lois Arnold said...

Love the star quilt! One project? You mean one at a time, but several going, right? For me, one at a time is impossible. I usually have 3 or 4 going. Sorry, I'm no help. When I have a deadline, I can focus on one, otherwise, I have to hop from one to another to another. I think it's Attention Quilt Deficit.

The Civil War Quilter said...

I love your layout! Wonderful Star blocks. If you don't have enough of the blue fabric for the outside setting triangles(you said they were years old), I'd suggest red. You seem to have a lot of red in those Star bocks. I never work on one quilt at a time. I'd be bored stiff if I didn't work on several. Besides, if I don't start on a quilt when the insiration hits me, I tend to lose the inspiration. Seeing it in fabric and not just in my head is the impetus to see it to completion, however long it takes.

Sue SA said...

Love this, it looks fantastic as it is! Perhaps add cream triangles on the outside to make straight edge and float the stars. Then a pieced border ....I know your not well, so it can wait, until you feel and thinking better! You could do scrappy nine patches in a irish chain style so the darks zig zag or perhaps a half square triangle, so they look like mountains and valleys...hope that makes sense!

Ruth said...

Wow! that is amazing! I might have the same obsession with 4" scrappy stars. I keep on making them. I guess I'll keep going and maybe in the years to come I will be able to make a quilt like yours! If you make it this way, that is, but according to lots of comments, you should.

Kyle said...

I like the strippy look. Go for it! Once you get sewing I'm sure you'll probably start visualizing what should go for the outside triangles and borders. Trust your instincts. Feeling better?

Missy Shay said...

I hope you start feeling better soon! I like the layout you have!

Loris said...

Boy, this cold is hanging on forever...so did mine but I avoided the "rush" and had it for 2 weeks last November.
As to these wonderful blocks...I love this straight layout and I really like the blue. I would look for more of something to keep that blue going on the perimeter.
You have wonderful ideas!

Me and My Stitches said...

I love this layout - it looks fantastic! Such great little star blocks!

jofridsquilt said...

I love the layout as it is. Beautiful. i think most of the quiltmakers have too many projects in work and in head. your neveralone on this issue.LOL

Sandy said...

Oh good grief - can you stand one more comment?

I'll keep it short: I love the colors, and the setting blocks. Play around with the setting some more, I bet you can come up with something really interesting. Check out my pinterest page on Setting Ideas - https://www.pinterest.com/shelinsan/setting-ideas/

Rebecca in AK said...

I think what you have laid out looks wonderful! I love it just like it is! I hope that by now you are almost over your cold and are feeling much better. I used to just work on one quilt until it was finished, now I think I have five projects going and dozens I want to start. I need to focus on a couple and get them finished, but it is hard.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
it looks great the way it is layed out. Love the way it looks, great idea, wonderful stars. You are making such beautiful projects, soooo pretty.
Hope you are feeling better.
Best wishes,

Rosa said...

I enjoy workring on several projects,a big goal but for me very fun!

Happy quilting!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, hope you are recovering from your cold. Love your setting for the quilt. I think we all have more than one project on the go. Regards, Lyn

Lynn Dykstra said...

perfect, perfect, perfect choice on the setting triangles color

BizarreQuilter said...

What do I do?
I make a list of 5 projects that I am currently working on. It's the "list of 5". Stick it in the quilt resource area or on the fridge. It contains at least one handwork project and at least one machine project. So, if I feel like doing SOMEthing and i don't know what, I go to the list of 5 and choose one of those. Now, I am not saying that I don't change those around... and I'll maybe never finish all my UFOs... but if I want to start something new I have to finish one thing. (This makes me look through the started projects and find something that doesn't need much to finish, but I've been putting off, then I finish it so quickly I wonder why it sat around like that for 4 years, and of course it goes on the list of 5 and something comes off.)

It generally works for me, and gives me room for "i don't feel like that".. but not so much room that i waste all my time looking through the projects again...

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...