Monday, April 20, 2015

Re-working some things...

 Good Evening!!  It is rare that I ever get to post at night, due to work, dinner, dishes, etc...but here I am!  You may remember Lori's of Humble Quilts quilt along...the blocks looked something like this, but in a different setting.  I had made twelve blocks...but used another pattern??  I don't know what I was thinking!!  (please see the Nurse's notes below for a possible reason I can't remember...) Anyway, I recently found the original twelve blocks, and was smitten...and made some more!
 Just a sample layout...I am going to enjoy just playing with these.
 Do you know about the Bitty Blocks quilt along??  It is a row quilt...and I have the fourth row all cut out, but just can't seem to get it together.  I still need to applique the basket handles down...I changed the original basket pattern.  Can't leave well enough alone, can I??
And a little runner...just making something out of leftovers.  Need to use every little bit up!!

************************Symptoms of the patient...Nurse's notes

*******Fever(no infection)
*******Tachycardia (high heart rate), up to 160
*******Hot, hot, hot...all the time
*******Can't sleep
*******Fuzzy thinking
*******Short of breath
*******So very tired...

OK, did you guess the disease??  By the way, this is me.  Yep!!  My Hashimoto's thyroiditis has reared it's ugly little head again.  This is an autoimmune disease, where my body is attacking and  killing off the thyroid gland, which controls metabolism functions.  Autoimmune disease, like Rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus.  TSH is 0.00...which means my thyroid levels are sky high.  This has happened again...which means they are looking again for thyroid cancer (scanning this week)  and also...maybe I have it radiated  or surgically removed to just kill it off.  I will then be on thyroid supplement for the rest of my days, which many people are on.

This time, it is worse...I don't think my heart will tolerate another go around.  I have about 120 pulse all the time...and I am on massive beta blockers.  So, I will keep you posted...I am praying about what is the best option to do.  The anti-thyroid meds are very hard on the liver and on the bone marrow.  The radiation can cause Leukemia.  The surgery is invasive and there is no guarantee that they can get all the thyroid gland out.  So I am praying....and thanks for listening!


Have a great night, everyone!!



Missy Shay said...

Wow, I'll be praying for you! That is super scary! Is there a natural route you could go?

Roxanne said...

Beautiful quilts to think about when you need a little respite from what to do about your Hashimoto's. It sounds extremely difficult. Sending hugs and prayers.

Donna Keating said...

Sorry to hear of your illness and will keep you in my thoughts. Lovely quilts.

Donna Keating said...

Sorry to hear of your illness and will keep you in my thoughts. Lovely quilts.

Tired Teacher said...

i love the quilt and the setting you arranged for the photos. I see pinwheels, and I love them.

May your doctors find a solution that minimizes your risk. Prayers coming your way for that solution and for you to find peace in the options presented to you. Be well, my friend.

Kathleen said...

hugs, dear. Wrap yourself up in your snuggiest quilt and just be very still, and let the calmness soothe your body and still your mind. Quiet like a mirrored pond on a hot summer day. Create yourself a place of peace to retreat from all the noise, and you'll be stronger to handle the decisions that need to be made.

Marly said...

Don't worry about basket handles, Julie, they're trivia. Concentrate on conserving energy - it sounds as though your energy levels are low - you need your energy to get back to good health. I shall keep you in my thoughts.

Shirley said...

Starting of on such a happy note, by the end I had tears in my eyes. I hope the treatment you choosing will be the best for body and soul, I know what it's like to feel this desperate, my thoughts are with you XOXO it's good to have Quilty things to take your mind of the worries for a while.

Leeanne said...

You are amazing with all the quilts you have on the go! You are in my thoughts, take care.

helen said...

Dear Julie, I wish you good courage and am sending the most positive thoughts to you!!
Best wishes!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Praying that you and your doctors will find a solution that causes the least risk and greatest resolution for you.

Vic in NH said...

Goodness, I had no idea that you are in crisis, so sorry and my prayers are going out for you to have the very best options. Much love sent, too!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
so sorry you are not feeling well. It sounds really bad and I am praying you will get well soon, no matter which option you will decide on. Big hugs and you are on my mind and in my prayers.

Susan said...

You almost got me started on another Quilt Along project with your lovely Bitty Blocks.... However, I did resist by remembering all the other ones I have started...........

You are amazing in the way you lay out your quilts..... Each one is special...

As to your illness, I will be holding you up in prayer.... My daughter has the same problem.... It makes it so difficult to keep going some days and the fact that you do is amazing.

Stoney said...

Holding you in warm, quilty thoughts as you work your way through this latest challenge. Your blog has brought us joy. Now let us bring you a bit of joy, knowing you are cared for.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have heard of so many have the thyroid removed, my sister in law included, I hope that will be the easiest to do - I too have an auto immune disease there are so many, hope you get the right treatment and soon
love the lay out for the quilt

Kyle said...

Wrapping you in warm thoughts and prayers. I know the perfect solution isn't too far away. ( I pop my Synthroid everryday). PS. Your quilts are lovely.

Shannon said...

Oh man!! I am so sorry. That stinks. I have Still's Disease, A rare form of RA so I understand what it mean when our bodies turn on us. I will e praying for you.

Lori said...

I actually like this layout better than the other, but it is more traditional.
Sorry about your thyroid issue! Annoying how such a small gland can cause such big problems! I've had a needle biopsy done on mine and thank goodness it is fine for now. Praying for you!

Terry said...

Praying for you to make the right decision for your treatment, and hoping you'll be well again soon! :0)

Lynn Dykstra said...

I was reading the symptoms and guessed right!

My sister said she felt like a Pez dispenser when she had her surgery for it...

Janet O. said...

Kind of had a feeling what it was. Mom had her thyroid removed years ago and has been on meds. My older sis has some form of thyroid problem and takes meds. I get tested frequently, but so far I have avoided it. Will be praying for you to know what is best for you!
Love the chains formed in your layout--and the pinwheels it creates, as well.

Sue SA said...

Sorry to hear you are not well, I hope that a good medical outcome is available. Your quilt is lovely, still looking at the blocks trying to work out how it goes together - is there are partial seam you finish later or do you just add the red square as you go?

Rose Marie said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Hang in there, girl!

Michelle said...

Oh wow...I was happily admiring your quilt blocks and bitty blocks and then read your nurses' notes. I'll definitely be praying for you...sending you lots of hugs! Take care of yourself!

Rebecca in AK said...

I will keep you in prayer! It is so hard to know what to do sometimes and when you are not feeling feel it is even harder. Our daughter had Graves' disease. She had her thyroid treated with radiation. She sure went through it until she got her meds straightened out. This is going to be a great quilt how ever you decide to set it!

Chantal said...

Oh Julie I am soooooooooo sorry to read that you are the patient this week. You are in my prayers, sweet angel. I know that your guardian angel will guide you towards the right decision, just stay open to suggestions. BIG hugs my friend. Sending positive energy your way.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sending positive thoughts for you and those testing/advising/ and providing your care ... And I agree that those basket handles are lower on the list ( unless they serve as a sanity saver). Hugs ...

Kalicocreations said...

Your quilt is lovely Julie. I will be praying for guidance for you and I hope you feel better soon.

AnnieO said...

I love your playtime with blocks and bits!
I am hypothyroid and have been taking thyroid replacement for two years. My daughter (24) found a lump on hers last fall that was inconclusive on biopsy and had half her thyroid removed. She doesn't have to take it tho. Hashimotos is more involved than I realized! Hoping you find the best solution for you soon!

Vicki W said...

I can see why you are having trouble focusing on quilting. You need to take care of yourself right now. I hope you and your doctors can come up with a good plan soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your illness. You will be in my prayers.

Me and My Stitches said...

Sending you hugs and prayers, Julie! Hope you have some good news very soon. In the meantime...what is the saying...Keep Calm, and Quilt On!

Loris said...

Love your quilty doins' :-)
I will be keeping you in my prayers. I have Hashi's too. Haven't had the extremes you have had to deal with...mostly just docs who didn't want to overtreat while I slept 16 hours a day and gained weight...grrr. Fortunately, I found the right one about 10 years ago and he has helped me get my life back.
Hugs along with the prayers!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Pray! Pray! Pray! Hope they can figure out what is needed, and that it is the least invasive, and works for you. Sorry.

Lois Arnold said...

Praying for you Julie! Praying the doctors can find an easier on you way to solve your thyroid problems.

We are waiting for our daughter's path report today from her procedures last week. Praying they found no more melanoma cells!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and believing you will find a way thru your health issues. I have had my thyroid removed. Since then have had other surgeries for other issues. Thyroid removal was by far the easiest. Though the knock out drugs are the worst part for me. Daily thyroid pill - easy. But controlling that high blood pressure - hard. But oh so necessary. Do not look away from that issue.

Hugs your way. Let us know how it goes.


Norma said...

Prayers for you, have had RAI for my thyroid years ago. All has been well except even though they say my levels are in range, I don't think they are. Common story I am sure. Hang in there!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...